I Blocked and Unsubscribed From Another Person For Adding Me To Substack

These people are extremely rude

A cartoon of me being very angry about being added to a Substack mailing list without permission.
AI image by ChatGPT from my prompt

I do not like Substack. I do not want your Substack mailing. I will not read your Substack posts.

Why did you presume that because I subscribed to your Medium posts that you had any right to add me to your Substack mailing list? That’s rude. I have unfollowed you, unsubscribed, and blocked you. I want nothing to do with anyone so rude and inconsiderate.

Why does Medium allow this? Why aren’t our subscriptions blind, sent out by Medium without using our email?

Once more: I do not like Substack. I do not want your Substack mailing. I will not read your Substack posts. If you put me on your mailing list, I will unsubscribe from your Medium posts, unfollow you, and block you so that I can never, ever read another thing you write.

By the way, for any of you that feel the same way, see if the author you want to subscribe to has Lists. If they do, you can be notified BY MEDIUM every time they add a story to a List.

Rather than clicking Follow or subscribing, you can Save a list. How? See the little box in the picture below? Click that while looking at a list. From than on, anytime the author adds a story to that…



Anthony (Tony/Pcunix) Lawrence 👀
Tech and Me, Loving It or Hating It

Retired Unix Consultant. I write tech and humor mostly but sometimes other things. See my Lists if your interests are specific.