My Treacherous Fingers and My Lying Eyes

Why are these guys out to get me?

A cartoon of an older man in his office, leaning back with a pleased expression as he enjoys the glow from three computer screens displaying code.
AI image by ChatGPT 4 from my prompt

I’ve been taking the Udemy.com iOS 17, SwiftUI 5, & Swift 5.9: Build iOS Apps From Scratch course. I think it’s a very good course, I have learned a lot about SwiftUI, and I particularly like the way the instructor makes design mistakes and fixes them later — that really hammers home certain concepts.

However, I’m having difficulties. I make too many frustrating mistakes.

I blamed my eyes and my fingers in ihe title, but there is more to it than that, quite a bit more. My vision is actually rather good after removing my cataracts and having YAG surgery a bit later to clear up some PCO (posterior capsule opacification — cloudy vision developing after cataract surgery).

My typing skills… not so good. I CAN type, but only very slowly, so I tend to fall into banging it out with one finger. The problem is that I have to look at the keyboard while doing that, not at the screen, so I miss mistakes.

A raw typo usually stands out and is easily fixed. A misplaced closing brace — “}” — tends to cause bugs more often than errors. Chasing down problems like that can sometimes suck up enough time to make me cross and none of this is helped by doing it on a 13 inch MacBook…



Anthony (Tony/Pcunix) Lawrence đź‘€
Tech and Me, Loving It or Hating It

Retired Unix Consultant. I write tech and humor mostly but sometimes other things. See my Lists if your interests are specific.