Things You Might Be Able To Do With a Smart Siri

Imagining the Siri of tomorrow

A cartoon depicting an AI assistant as an iPhone, dressed as a librarian. It stands behind a library information desk, surrounded by books, scrolls, and gadgets. The AI’s screen-face displays a friendly smile and wears glasses, and it gestures with a charger cable to a large bookcase. Alt-text revised from ChatGPT’s suggestion.
AI image by ChatGPT from my prompt

As I write this, there are strong indications from Apple that “Smart Siri” will be coming with IOS 18 this fall. How smart? We don’t know. I can make some hopeful guesses based on what competitors have done or have told us they plan to do, but only Apple knows what will be revealed at this year’s WWDC (World Wide Developer Conference) on June 10th.

This is a long post, feel free to scroll to the headlines that interest you.

Given that the present day Siri is far from all adjectives implying intelligence, we might say that any improvement should be welcomed, but given the possibilities we have seen in other tech, existing or promised, Apple needs to wow us.

If they don’t… well, I don’t want to think about that. Instead, let’s think about the types of things we might want to ask a Super Siri to do for us.

Do you remember the R1 Rabbit?

Maybe you read about this foolish device that got some of the more easily impressed tech press drooling? If not, I wrote about it when it came out, but it only got 44 reads because I gave it a bad title.



Anthony (Tony/Pcunix) Lawrence đź‘€
Tech and Me, Loving It or Hating It

Retired Unix Consultant. I write tech and humor mostly but sometimes other things. See my Lists if your interests are specific.