You Can’t Always Get the Robot You Want, but Maybe You Can Get the One You Need

We have a dishwasher

A cartoon of an elderly man, slightly bent over, being assisted by a robot that looks like a doll or a toy, as they walk together in a peaceful park.
AI image by ChatGPT 4 from my prompt

I’ve been thinking more about the reports of Apple’s robotics lab. There have been jubilant articles where writers have seen this as a bright new future for Apple. I’ve been quite less enthusiastic, but maybe I was wrong.

I wasn’t wrong about the silly idea of a dishwashing robot. First off, we have mechanical dishwashers and they work well. Yes, washing by hand is less wasteful, but the engineering necessary for such a robot today would be a big challenge. The robot would have to be human sized, too, adding to its expense and power usage.

Most of us wouldn’t see a dishwashing robot as a must have. A dusting robot, yes, I would love that, but again, a robot too far for now.

There is a robot that might be an important product line for Apple. It’s also something Google, Microsoft, Samsung and plenty of others would see as a product they’d want to pursue, but Apple has a definite advantage here as we’ll see shortly.


A companion. A companion for those who are lonely, aging, ill, infirm. The disabled, the broken, the blind, and more.



Anthony (Tony/Pcunix) Lawrence 👀
Tech and Me, Loving It or Hating It

Retired Unix Consultant. I write tech and humor mostly but sometimes other things. See my Lists if your interests are specific.