Leadership in Action by K.Tida (Agile Tour Bangkok 2020)

Tapaphorn Nooymueng
te<h @TDG
Published in
4 min readJan 15, 2021

(Sharing by K.Tida Sunyapredakul — SCB Lean-Agile COE)

What are the top 3 factors that make Successful Agile Transformation?Agile cannot successful without:

  • Dedicated
  • Champion
  • Leadership

A story Leadership in Action

It starts from “The Digital Tsunami” That is her Leader talk and explain to the group, it is not the digital interruption but it is digital Tsunami

And this is an organization of 26,000 people but in this team (HR team 170 people) so HR is in the interrupter, So what they are going to do

And you might be ever hearted about “Do agile now or Die”

How can we support people if we don't understand agile> That’s the beginning

In the HR role, they have to think and do the operation with excellent, How is HR doing for the changed

  1. Change Management action plan:

Communication: Like townhall, Email about How we started, They have to tell more and more many times or if it will reach for a thousand times we should de until the people awareness

Stakeholder Management: You need to scan the people, How many ranking, Who is a formal leader or informal leader, How you can reach them, ask them, and influence them to be your sponsor.

Training & Coaching: Training is the most easier step to do but training is not everything but Coaching is the thing that you try to tell them that what we will implement. Then training, practice, and provide coaching and coach and coach along the way.

Buy-in Management: Or it is called “Resistance Management” people love to be in their comfort zone and sometimes Resistance does not come ready obvious. They just still be free and waiting for the suitable approach, or do nothing or less comply, and then this the starting point of failure.

2. Mindset & People Focus:

Listen through a retrospective.The leader's conversion with people “What went well?, What was go well? and What could we do?”

We inspire them what’s they can be, what’s they can lead the team because there are 26,000 people that cannot support by 170 HR staff so HR does

  • Skill Inventory — we do brainstorm what’s is an important skill, and what is available in the organization.
  • Current Capability & Future Requirement — that we need
  • Willingness & Participation — and then if we go agile, are you with us

3. Action Speak Louder than words:

After we got the result from roadmap 2 then we translate Learning into Action :


  • Cross-Functional Teams: Squad team
  • Agreed Operation Rhythms: Operation with routines or software
  • Identify the approach and practice: Ex. Scrum or Kanban

This is an Agile Practise Adoption (With SCB):

First of all, they do

  • Big Room planning with 200 people with one big board.
  • This happens every 2 weeks, Asking for help and support the flow of the work
  • This for management with a very formal presentation with a physical board Sometimes there is the preparing the PowerPoint but the management will ask for real words no PowerPoint document.
  • Moreover, they make manage dependencies between the physical backlog by the ropes.
  • The leaders spend a lot of time listening to the progress, listen, and coach the team, Participate and empathize with the employee and listen to new ideas.


The results are:

  • A lot of deliverables
  • A lot of progress
  • A lot of interaction
  • A lot of discussions
  • A lot of visual work

And HR got the feedback is: this is a big organization but the change makes them know more people from across the team and have more relationship and trust. The people feel happy with agile translation by HR.

  • Here is: they do the retrospective for Psychological Safety Check

