Welcome to Wildlife’s tech blog

Renato Galisteu
Wildlife Studios Tech Blog
3 min readDec 19, 2019
Pablo Santos, Guilherme Gibertoni and Marcus Junqueira: Wildlife’s Tech team during a meeting

Wildlife Studios has built a tech platform that supports millions of people playing simultaneously around the world. Games like Zooba, Tennis Clash, Sniper 3D and War Machines run over several layers of technology that understands people’s cell phones, bandwidth, and compresses data so lag (that annoying game delay) doesn’t become an issue.

Can you imagine how much data a five-minute Zooba game with 35 players generates? How many player-behaviors can we understand from a single game? How the best players behave, what items they use to win, and which characters are most likely to succeed in a battle? It's all data, and we need to analyze it.

Clara Servan, from marketing arts team working on some fantastic characters

Technology is what brought Wildlife to this point, with a valuation of $ 1.3 billion after Benchmark’s investment. And it is by challenging and proposing new technology scenarios that we will keep growing and delivering amazing shareable experiences.

When you play a game and see that interaction, that character running, shooting, grabbing items, that is the magic of blending the best coding team and the best artists. Wildlife is a place where technology can be seen.

Source: TechCrunch

At Wildlife, technology is at our core, it’s the main character — not just a simple means to support a nice interface. We are talking about sustaining truly shared experiences. Working with games means challenging the status quo and stepping out of our comfort zone every day.

And all this is a small piece of what the blog “Tech at Wildlife Studios” will be sharing. Here, our engineering and data science team will tell you about the daily challenges, how we work to support global games, and how we’re driving a whole new technology landscape to a connected and engaged mobile gaming world.

Widlife Studios tech team during a meeting
Arthur Gola, Matteus Caprecci and Eric Silva from Widlife's data science team

Mobile games account for 33% of all app downloads, 74% of consumer spend and 10% of all time spent in-app. It’s predicted that in 2019, 2.4 billion people will play mobile games around the world — that’s almost one-third of the global population.”

You’ll also learn how our tech team selection processes work, how we built a culture of innovation. Finally, you’ll see articles from the content team, where we’ll be sharing Wildlife’s tech events and community engagement. Perhaps we can meet each other during a MeetUp hosted at Wildlife.

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Renato Galisteu
Wildlife Studios Tech Blog

Marketer and Comms Pro. Noah’s dad, coffee addicted. Startups, leadership and marketing related topics only.