Learn on the Go with Even More Short Podcasts for the Start of School

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Photo by Math on Unsplash

Last year, we shared a variety of short, jam-packed podcasts for the back-to-school season. With educators busier than ever, professional development needs to be pithy and to the point. This year, we have even more options, ranging from AI musings to advice on the terror of teaching.

Each podcast is around 20 minutes, perfect for busy schedules!

10-Minute Teacher

The Great Student AI Writing Experiment with Steve Dembo

(11:45 runtime)

What is your stance on AI? In this episode, host Vicki Davis discusses an experiment with AI and student writing done by educator Steve Dembo. It considers not only how AI writing is perceived by students, but also how students can help to co-create AI policies for their classrooms.

The Cult of Pedagogy

10 Ways to Give a Better Lecture

(21:02 runtime)

The poor lecture, maligned by teachers and students alike. This podcast argues that lecturing isn’t all bad — there are ways to make it better and more enriching for students. Educator Jennifer Gonzalez shares a variety of strategies that can be used immediately in your classroom.

Harvard EdCast

Educating in a World of Artificial Intelligence

(20:47 runtime)

In spring 2023, talk of AI was unavoidable. It was in news articles, blog posts and across social media. This podcast from February 2023 feels fresh in how it identifies the strengths and weaknesses of AI in the classroom. Guest Chris Dede shares information based on his years spent studying new technologies, framing the ways in which education must evolve to keep pace with technological change.

The Learning Scientists

Bite-Size Research on Attention and Retrieval Practice

(14:05 runtime)

Educator Althea Need Kaminske is no stranger to evidence-based practices in education; her cohosted site The Learning Scientists is devoted to cognitive science. You may have heard the phrase “retrieval practice” and wondered what it was. This podcast offers an explanation and a look at the research. If you enjoy the format, check out the podcast’s website for more bite-sized episodes.

Teaching in Higher Ed

The Terror of Teaching

(20:38 runtime)

Teaching can be scary. So many things can go wrong, from having a lesson flop to feeling like you’re not enough. In this episode, host Bonni Stachowiak shares not only teacherly fears, but possible solutions. If you have more time to spare, the Teaching in Higher Ed archive is chock-full of awesome 30- to 40-minute episodes.

Want even more podcasts to listen to? Check out these podcast posts from Tech-Based Teaching:

About the blogger:

Headshot of a white woman with glasses and short wavy hair smiling. She is surrounded by a blue circle.

Jesika Brooks

Jesika Brooks is an editor and bookworm with a Master of Library and Information Science degree. A lifelong learner herself, she has always been fascinated by the intersection of education and technology. She edits the Tech-Based Teaching blog (and always wants to hear from new voices!)



Tech-Based Teaching Editor
Tech-Based Teaching: Computational Thinking in the Classroom

Tech-Based Teaching is all about computational thinking, edtech, and the ways that tech enriches learning. Want to contribute? Reach out to edutech@wolfram.com.