How we use Mapbox to improve on ally routes

Uli Strötz
door2door Engineering
2 min readJul 17, 2015

Working closely together with our community is an essential part of our daily business. And making this work a reciprocal process is just as important. By combining user contributions with our ongoing route refinement, we’re very excited to continuously improve the ally routing all over the world. For this we partnered up with the San Francisco based startup Mapbox — an open source mapping company deeply involved in OpenStreetMap.

Using Mapbox’s directions API gives us the ability to create together with you the best routing app for your city. Whenever you see a route you don’t like, you think is wrong or is missing something, just make use of our feedback feature. Our routing team will immediately look into the problem you submitted and try to fix it. Next time you or someone else is looking up that route it will already look better.

The directions API is using OpenStreetMap as a datasource. A while ago, we wrote how we at Door2Door already improve OpenStreetMap — a collaborative world map everyone can edit and improve, just like Wikipedia. This is where you as part of our community come in: When you tell us about a missing street, we add it to OpenStreetMap and it will be reflected in the routing the next time.

Also, Mapbox is currently investing a ton of energy in its directions API and the backend open source project OSRM. So stay tuned — it will get better every day. And together with you we can make it the best routing for your city, no matter if you use car, bike, foot or public transport.

