Why “Penetration Testing” is Mission Critical for any Tech Company

Tech Blog for Technology companies
2 min readSep 26, 2018

Many companies are dealing with large amounts of data and the significance of online security is mission critical as more data moves into the cloud. ELEMENT performs regular so-called “penetration testing” — or simply “pen tests” — to evaluate whether systems have any potential vulnerabilities.

Penetration Testing for Tech companies

In this post, we would like to walk you through five Whys and Hows of pen tests to help you with those same questions that concern every tech company. Of course, there will be other questions that you will want to consider, but we hope that these basic facts will help you get started.

A penetration test, also known as a pen test, is a simulated cyber attack against your computer system to check for exploitable vulnerabilities. In the context of web application security, penetration testing is commonly used to augment a web application firewall (WAF). Insights provided by the penetration test can be used to fine-tune your WAF security policies and patch detected vulnerabilities.

In this post, we would like to walk you through five Whys and Hows of pen tests to help you with those same questions that concern every tech company. Of course, there will be other questions that you will want to consider, but we hope that these basic facts will help you get started.

Pen-testing stages

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