Change in the work-life after the COVID — 19

Yash Raj Khanna


The corona virus COVID-19 is spreading relentlessly through the world, creating a path of death and destruction. What I believe is that soon we must adjust our life with this disease as we adjust with AIDS, cancer, and various heart disease.

Thus, how will the offices change? Will corporate still follow the open work-spaces? Or cloud computing will be more in use?

Corona virus is changing the task that some employees usually do.

No clients to consult,

No trips to book,

No students to teach in the classroom,

No concerts to perform and organize

New tasks are coming up in the current scenario. People are becoming crisis managers, sanitation monitors, and work-from-home coordinators. Now in all these scenarios, one thing is clear that cloud computing will play a massive role in it.

Now, what is cloud computing? Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services (from processing to storage) over the internet and on a pay as you go basis. It is like operating the whole computing process on the internet.

Now ways in which cloud computing can increase your business productivity.

  • Good Collaboration — Think it in this way, with cloud computing in business, the teams from different parts of the world can access the same document and data from anywhere and at any time. Cloud computing can improve collaboration across the sides and help them perform better and in a more efficient manner.
  • Increased Data Security — Lost laptops and storage devices can be a huge problem for companies when all the data is stored at the local level. This problem can cost a lot to the company to retrieve all the lost data. However, when all the required data is stored in the cloud, it becomes easier to retrieve that data, without having to worry about a storage device or a machine.
  • Reduced Cost — Microsoft has claimed to reduce to 21% of its operating cost due to cloud computing. Companies pay-as-you-go or a subscription model, which can help in reducing operational and infrastructural costs.
  • Free and Timely upgrades — With cloud computing in business, companies do not have to worry about the software and firmware updates. The servers are off-premise, and the service providers take care of all the latest software updates which need to be done. The time and investments required to maintain the servers and software are saved.
  • Easy Data Recovery — As the cloud service providers store all the data in the cloud, there is no threat of data loss in case of emergencies. Small businesses can’t usually afford expensive disaster recovery systems. Cloud computing has helped such businesses to safeguard their data by providing cloud-based storage solutions.
  • Fast Scalable model — This is one of the key advantages of cloud computing. When a company is growing at a massive rate, it becomes easy for them to quickly scale-up their services using the cloud platform. Similarly, if anyone wishes to scale-down the requirements, it can also be easily done. Operational agility is one of the significant business benefits of cloud computing, which is welcomed by top tech giants of the world.

These are some of the few advantages which cloud computing provides in business. Businesses like Microsoft, Amazon, Google, and many more are updating maximum operations on cloud computing. A few famous examples which show how cloud computing has helped businesses to grow:

  • General Electric — General Electric (GE) began its digital transformation in 2014. Still, three years later, it chose Amazon Web Services (AWS) as its preferred provider and depended on the service to host more than 2,000 cloud-based apps and services.
  • Meals on Wheels — The organization’s South Carolina branch in Greenville County realized that moving to the cloud would lead to more streamlined communications between its volunteers, as well as other benefits. The organization has put its financial management system in the cloud and started using Microsoft 365 for internal needs; those changes led to saving more than $500,000.

Cloud computing helps businesses to have an edge over their competitors. At, one can easily get access to this fantastic technology, which can help your business grow exponentially.

Thus, with the current world scenario, I think cloud computing is here to stay and will go a long way.

