Learn Expressjs in one project

Sai Umesh Dhanewar
Tech Buddy
Published in
1 min readMar 14, 2018

I’ve been working on express for more than a year and it’s been wonderful journey so far.

There are many good articles for learning various topics which helps you in making your express application better. but, integrating them in your project and working with them is pretty hard so, I’ve decided to make small project called “express-zero-config” which helps you in setting up your project in no time.

Here are the features of this project.

  1. dev and production environments.
  2. Routing.
  3. Testing using Mocha and Chai.
  4. cross env support.
  5. Password encryption using bcryptjs.
  6. cors support.
  7. Using PM2 process managers for production.
  8. gzip compression for high performance.
  9. Securing APIs using tokens (jsonwebtoken).
  10. Connecting MongoDB using mongoose.
  11. Connectig MySQL Database.
  12. validating user inputs using validator.
  13. Logging and Querying errors & exceptions using Winston.
  14. No stack trace for production.
  15. No console.log in entire project.
  16. Using middleware to connect Database.
  17. handling 404 errors.
  18. centralized all the errors.
  19. using async await without single try-catch.
  20. Authenticating user using both MongoDB and MySQL.
  21. ESLint configuration.

I will be adding more things to this project such GraphQL support.

I’m also accepting pull requests, please do contribute to the project.

Happy coding.

