Why you should not charge your phone overnight

Do you routinely connect your phone to the charger just before bedtime each night? Here’s the alternative approach you should consider.

Kandarpa Borchetia
Tech Clarity Insights
3 min readSep 28, 2023


I pondered the best approach to maximize iPhone battery life through charging and decided to conduct some experiments to gain insights.

Previously, like millions of others, I used to charge my iPhone overnight. However, I often questioned myself on this practice.

The reason for this pondering is that an iPhone can quickly charge from zero to 50% in about 30 minutes using a 20W charger and reach a full charge in under two hours. Given this rapid charging capability, it seemed illogical to keep the device connected to a charger for eight hours every night, which amounts to a substantial portion of its lifespan.

Apple has introduced Optimized Battery Charging in iOS, a feature that halts charging at 80% and only completes the final 20% before you wake up in the morning. Nevertheless, the iPhone remains tethered to power all night, albeit at a slower charging rate, maintaining it at 80%.

So, why is it unwise to leave your phone connected to a charger for extended durations? The answer is heat.

Heat is detrimental to batteries, and while the typical wear and tear associated with battery charging and discharging is unavoidable, managing heat is within our control. When the iPhone is plugged into a charger, it generates heat, even if it’s just a few degrees above room temperature. Consistently subjecting the device to this overnight charging practice didn’t seem prudent to me.

As a result, I’ve made a significant change to my iPhone charging routine. Instead of overnight charging, I opt for one or two shorter charging sessions during the day, which has proven effective for me:

  1. I charge it for 30 to 45 minutes in the morning after waking up, concurrently charging my Apple Watch.
  2. I recharge it in the mid-afternoon for about 30 minutes to reach the 80% mark, usually sufficient to last until the next morning.

Additionally, if I anticipate spending extended periods in the car or being on the go, I use a car charger or carry a power bank with me. my choice is pTron Bullet Pro 36W PD Type-C.

This charging approach has worked well for me, and I believe it places less stress on the iPhone’s battery (time will confirm this), as well as on the charger. It also encourages me to plan the placement of my chargers strategically, rather than relying solely on a bedside charger.

Whether I’m at home, working remotely, or traveling, this charging routine has not disappointed me.

People often wonder about my charging habits, so here’s the scoop: I’m old school, still using a good old cable for charging rather than going all-in on wireless. My go-to charger is the trusty 20W Anker Nano USB-C charger.

When I’m on the move, I rely on two dependable power banks: the pocket-sized URBN 10000 mAh Li-Polymer Ultra Compact Power Bank with 12W Fast Charge. And offcourse, nothing beats the Anker PowerCore 10000 Redux. These little powerhouses are not only portable and rugged but also incredibly reliable. But remember, don’t forget to pack a charging cable with them — it’s the unsung hero of the charging game!

you may argue that the battery does not charge all night, thanking the latest iOS feature, but there is a catch. Even with the Optimized Battery Charging feature enabled on an iPhone, it’s still charging during the night.



Kandarpa Borchetia
Tech Clarity Insights

I write about personal experiences, social justice, technology and finance.