A Deep Dive into the os Library in Python: Functions, Features, and Best Practices

Saeed Mohajeryami, PhD
Tech & Data Hub
Published in
11 min readFeb 5, 2023


The os library in Python is one of the most important and frequently used libraries in the Python Standard Library. It provides a wealth of functions that allow us to interact with the underlying operating system, including accessing and manipulating the file system, environment variables, and even processes.

In this article, I take a comprehensive and detailed look at the os library, exploring its many functions, features, and best practices. Let’s start with a question, why is the os library so important? Well, simply put, the file system and environment variables are integral parts of any operating system, and having a powerful and flexible library like os to interact with them makes our lives as Python programmers so much easier. With that said, let’s get started!

Basic Operations

First off, let’s talk about navigating the file system. With the os library, you can easily get the current working directory using the os.getcwd() function. This is useful if you need to know where your Python script is located in the file system. If you need to change the current working directory, you can use the os.chdir() function. For example, if you want to change to the root directory, you can simply call os.chdir('/').



Saeed Mohajeryami, PhD
Tech & Data Hub

Senior Data Engineer @Ascertain, New York, New York. SUBSCRIBE to my free newsletter https://techleadcuriosity.substack.com/