Famous Websites Build with Ruby and Ruby on Rails

Tech Digest
Published in
2 min readJan 2, 2018

Ruby on Rails is a great MVC framework for rapid prototyping and it has also been used to build robust heavy traffic popular websites!

Websites Built with Ruby on Rails

  • Twitter
  • Airbnb
  • Bleacher Report (sports news media site)
  • Bloomberg BusinessWeek
  • Dribbble
  • Fiverr
  • Github !!
  • Hulu, IndieGOGO, KickSTarter, Groupon, GoodRead, Funny or Die, One Month Rails — a YCombinator startup, Codecademy.com, BaseCamp, Square, Strava, ThemeForest, Shopify… you get the idea.

Some of these websites garner millions of visitors daily.

Fun fact: SquareSpace is built with the SquareSpace CMS though it has a Rails look.

Ruby on Rails can also be used for building a landing page that collects emails.

Websites and Apps Built with Ruby Code

  • Shopify heavily uses Ruby and Python. Shopify also has a Rails generator for development, used by Shopify Partners
  • Google Sketch Up
  • Basecamp
  • NASA Research — Langley Research Center, 37Signal, LiveRamp (marketing, cookie browser data)
  • Did you know that Ruby Motion lets you code iOS apps using Ruby?

Read more Ruby success stories here: https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/success-stories/

This list does not include all the gems built with Ruby.

Ruby is mobile portable, can be used in applications that require speed and conservation of space.

Bonus: did you know that everything in Ruby is an object? Did you know that the Ruby language was created by a Japanese computer engineer?

Bonus — Great Ruby on Rails Tutorials and Courses

  • Johns Hopkins Ruby on Rails on Coursera
  • Michael Hartl’s Ruby on Rails tutorials for beginners
  • RailsCast
  • One Month Rails Security

Rails has strong affinity with Git, Stripe, MongoDB, Heroku, CoffeeScript (integrated),

