So whatcha gonna DO about it?

That time I saw a need for something and ignored it for months

Kiki Schirr
Tech Doodles
Published in
2 min readFeb 11, 2017


The start of a cautionary tale

Blab died on August 12, 2016.

We knew it was coming. The trolls had taken over. It was fun while it lasted.

Blab had been a video chat platform with public rooms — so imagine Google Hangouts with four friends, only anyone can tune it.

I met a lot of amazing people through Blab. I loved Blab.

But it died.

September 2016 had me going:

Searching for alternatives

So I tried and Bebo and, but none of them had that secret sauce.

So in November 2016 I was like…

Looking at mobile solutions

So then I tried HouseParty and Airtime and Discord and Bebo again, because it had changed, a lot.

But they weren’t what I wanted. was closer, but it had a troll problem.

Even in January 2017, I was sighing:

The eventual end of the brainfart

Until, finally, about a week ago…

It dawned on me. We could just MAKE it. The weird bastard child of the dozen apps I’d tried and rejected, with just enough new concepts to make things interesting (and my own, not just a clone).

To be honest, it was my girlfriend’s idea. She also came up with the name. The site isn’t up yet, but you can visit this Typeform if you want to be notified when it is.

Don’t be like me, sitting on my tuckus wishing for a product that doesn’t exist. Go out, build it now.

Do it.



Kiki Schirr
Tech Doodles

Freelance marketer by day, inveterate doodler in all the spaces in between. Current project: A Dog Named Karma. To say hello: mynamenospaces at gee mail Thanks!