The Hardback vs. Kindle: What Amazon is Missing

Kiki Schirr
Tech Doodles
1 min readSep 14, 2015


The hard-backed book is the new status symbol. What you’re reading says a lot about you.

And a Kindle says what? Nothing specific, maybe that you’re trying too hard to go paperless.

Consider this: A double-screened Kindle, to display a design on the back as you’re reading. It defaults to the cover of your current book, but could also display your sports team or a simple mandala, whatever really.

The Kindle isn’t custom, says nothing about us, is generic, and black, and sad.

Get with it, Amazon. We want to show off.



Kiki Schirr
Tech Doodles

Freelance marketer by day, inveterate doodler in all the spaces in between. Current project: A Dog Named Karma. To say hello: mynamenospaces at gee mail Thanks!