Why this millennial didn’t answer your call

(A handy flow chart)

Kiki Schirr
Tech Doodles
Published in
1 min readOct 1, 2016


There’s a lot of confusion regarding millennials and talking on the phone. I don’t answer an unknown caller AT ALL, EVER anymore — my number is on some business registration form somewhere that means I get calls from “Google Experts” at least 3x/day.

So this post is half explanation, half apology.

But I do want to state that calling someone without scheduling the call is a lot like saying, “I don’t know what you’re doing right now, but it has to be less important than what I have to say.”

But I love you Mom and Dad. I’ll always pick up unless I’m in the shower. Which is often, yes. You’re uncanny.



Kiki Schirr
Tech Doodles

Freelance marketer by day, inveterate doodler in all the spaces in between. Current project: A Dog Named Karma. To say hello: mynamenospaces at gee mail Thanks!