7 MacOS Tips That Will Make You More Productive

Become more productive with these need to know tips and tricks for your Mac.

Erik van Baaren
6 min readDec 8, 2019


Photo by dhe haivan on Unsplash

I’ve been using MacOS as a professional software engineer for about 12 years. After all those years of intensive Mac use, I have some tricks up my sleeve that I want to share! These are all free, as in beer, and are easy to use and set up.

1. Use ⌘+space to search with Spotlight

Lots of time on your Mac is lost on finding stuff. When starting apps, you first have to locate the icon either in the Dock or in the list of applications. Finding that email your boss has sent you last week can take a while too. Looking for that document you want to continue working on? Or perhaps that dentist’s appointment in your calendar?

This is my number one tip, and not without reason. If you only remember one thing out of this article, let it be this one.

All this searching can be sped up considerably by using Spotlight. So how do you invoke Spotlight? Just press ⌘+spacebar and start typing.

