Salesforce AWS Integration using Platform Events & Lambda

Integrate Salesforce with AWS Lambda & DynamoDB

Tech Force


Connect Salesforce & AWS. Picture by marcinjozwiak from Pixabay.

Salesforce & AWS are two IT giants with different capabilities. Salesforce is the world's market leader in CRM software and SaaS cloud solutions for Sales, Service, Marketing, and Commerce.

AWS is the world’s market leader in cloud resources for IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS. They offer database, storage, computing, content delivery, networking, and other powerful services in the cloud at any scale.

In this story, I will describe how you can combine both IT giants. We will receive & store Accounts on AWS, whenever a new Account get’s created in Salesforce. All shown resources — including Salesforce & AWS — can be used without any cost for demo purposes.

We will make use of the following technologies:

  • Salesforce: Platform Events & Callouts
  • AWS: AWS API Gateway, AWS Lambda, AWS DynamoDb


  • Salesforce Developer Account (free, just register here)
  • AWS Free Tier Account (free tier, just register here)
  • Basic Knowledge of AWS & Salesforce (don’t worry! All details will be explained in this story)

