Samsung To Manufacture OLED Displays For iPhone 14 Pro

Deep Gautam
Tech Heralds
Published in
Apr 19, 2022


For some time now, Apple has relied on Samsung to provide OLED displays for its iPhone series. However, the Cupertino-based company is now looking to reduce its dependency on the Korean tech giant.

According to display industry analyst Ross Young, Apple will only release one iPhone 14 series model this year, which will feature Samsung-made displays. According to Mashable, the 6.1-inch iPhone 14 Pro will be available entirely from Samsung this year, with orders for the 6.7-inch Pro Max being split between Samsung and LG.

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Deep Gautam
Tech Heralds

Deep Gautam, founder of ScalerBird, is an author and entrepreneurship advocate, driving business growth and innovation.