Generative AI Revolutionizing Healthcare

AI’s Role in Medicine and Drug Development

MyThoo //
Tech Horizons
Published in
3 min readFeb 7, 2024


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Generative AI is transforming numerous fields, and it’s poised to overhaul vast areas of medicine.

My engineering dissertation focused on medical diagnosis and supportive expert systems. I must admit, it appeared as a vast area of intervention back then. Today, I must confess, that the realms where generative AI is proving to contribute significantly are far beyond my early imaginations.

From drug discovery and personalized medicine to treatment plans and supportive systems, I believe the most groundbreaking innovations are yet to come.

The Power of Generative AI in Discovering New Drugs and Customized Healthcare. Image created by DALL·E, OpenAI’s image generation model.

Feeling overwhelmed by the myriad of critical issues impacting human health so profoundly? You’re not alone. It’s a common sentiment.

Through this article, I aim to shed some light on at least the areas I’ll be delving into.

By the article’s conclusion, I’m confident some of the uncertainty will have dissipated, many apprehensions will have diminished, and…



MyThoo //
Tech Horizons

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