The React Compiler: A New Era for the Ecosystem

Yanampally Abhiram Reddy
Published in
5 min readMar 14, 2024
React19 New Era Illustration

React Compiler is a game changer for developers because it eliminates manual use of the useMemo, useCallback and memo APIs for UIs. This automation is achieved with an advanced compiler that analyzes the component tree and determines which parts of the UI need to be represented based on state changes. This not only reduces the amount of code developers have to write, but also improves performance by minimising unnecessary rework.

The compiler’s ability to intelligently manage memoization is a significant step forward in React development, making it easier for developers to build efficient and performant applications without the overhead of manual optimization.

Actions: Streamlining Data Handling

Actions in React are designed to simplify the process of handling data submission and manipulation. They provide a set of APIs that abstract away the complexities of managing form states and submissions, making it easier for developers to focus on the application logic rather than the boilerplate code required for data handling.

The introduction of useOptimistic is particularly noteworthy. This feature allows developers to implement optimistic UI updates, where the UI is updated immediately to reflect the expected outcome of an action, and then automatically reverted if the action fails. This results in a smoother and more responsive user experience.The useOptimistic Hook provides a way to optimistically update the user interface before a background operation, like a network request, completes. In the context of forms, this technique helps to make apps feel more responsive. When a user submits a form, instead of waiting for the server’s response to reflect the changes, the interface is immediately updated with the expected outcome.

For example, when a user types a message into the form and hits the “Send” button, the useOptimistic Hook allows the message to immediately appear in the list with a “Sending…” label, even before the message is actually sent to a server. This “optimistic” approach gives the impression of speed and responsiveness. The form then attempts to truly send the message in the background. Once the server confirms the message has been received, the “Sending…” label is removed.

import { useOptimistic, useState, useRef } from "react";
import { deliverMessage } from "./actions.js";

function Thread({ messages, sendMessage }) {
const formRef = useRef();
async function formAction(formData) {
await sendMessage(formData);
const [optimisticMessages, addOptimisticMessage] = useOptimistic(
(state, newMessage) => [
text: newMessage,
sending: true

return (
{, index) => (
<div key={index}>
{!!message.sending && <small> (Sending...)</small>}
<form action={formAction} ref={formRef}>
<input type="text" name="message" placeholder="Hello!" />
<button type="submit">Send</button>

export default function App() {
const [messages, setMessages] = useState([
{ text: "Hello there!", sending: false, key: 1 }
async function sendMessage(formData) {
const sentMessage = await deliverMessage(formData.get("message"));
setMessages((messages) => [...messages, { text: sentMessage }]);
return <Thread messages={messages} sendMessage={sendMessage} />;
export async function deliverMessage(message) {
await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, 1000));
return message;

React Server Components

Server Components are being added to React 19 like Next.js offering significant performance improvements by offloading processing tasks to the server, which can lead to faster load times, better SEO, and smoother data handling. However, there are key differences and considerations when comparing Server Components in React 19 to those in Next.js.

React 19 Server Components

  • Performance Enhancement: React 19 Server Components allow for server-side rendering of components, which can significantly reduce the amount of client-side JavaScript needed. This is beneficial for users with slower internet connections or less powerful devices, as the browser has less client-side JavaScript to download, parse, and execute .
  • SEO and Data Security: Server Components can improve SEO by allowing search engines to easily crawl and index pre-rendered HTML. They also enhance security by keeping sensitive data and logic on the server, preventing them from being exposed to the client-side JavaScript bundle .
  • Caching and Streaming: Server Components support caching and streaming, which can improve performance by reducing the amount of rendering and data fetching done on each request. This also allows for splitting the rendering work into chunks and streaming them to the client as they become ready, enabling users to see parts of the page earlier.

Next.js Server Components

  • Default Behaviour: Next.js uses Server Components by default, allowing for automatic server rendering without additional configuration. This means that developers can leverage server-side rendering without sacrificing the dynamic nature of client-side rendering .
  • Client Components Integration: Next.js supports the integration of Server Components within Client Components using the `{children}` prop. This approach allows developers to create web applications that combine the best of server-side rendering and client-side interactivity
  • Dynamic Rendering: Next.js supports dynamic rendering based on request-time information such as user cookies, request headers, or URL search parameters. This feature allows for more personalized and efficient rendering of components [3].
  • Trade-offs: While Server Components in Next.js offer significant benefits, there are trade-offs to consider. For example, the bandwidth tradeoff between downloading a larger bundle upfront versus downloading slightly smaller bundles but larger recurring payloads. Additionally, the decision to use Server Components should be based on careful consideration of the specific needs of the application, as not all components may benefit from being server-rendered .

In summary, React 19 Server Components focus on performance enhancement, SEO, and data security, while Next.js Server Components provide a more integrated solution with support for dynamic rendering and the ability to combine server and client components. Developers should carefully consider the specific needs and trade-offs of their applications when deciding between these technologies.

Specific Performance Benefits

  • Faster Load Times: By reducing the amount of code and optimizing the rendering process, React applications can load faster, leading to improved user experience and potentially higher conversion rates.
  • Improved Runtime Performance: The automation of memoization and the streamlined data handling process through Actions can lead to more efficient runtime performance, as the application can process state changes and data submissions more quickly.
  • Reduced Resource Usage: By minimizing unnecessary re-renders and optimizing data handling, React applications can use less CPU and memory resources, leading to better performance on devices with limited resources.

Comparing with Vue and Svelte

Vue: Vue’s reactivity system, powered by the `computed` function, offers a straightforward way to manage dependencies without the need for explicit arrays. This makes handling memoization in Vue more intuitive and less error-prone compared to React’s manual approach.

// Vue computed function
const doubleCount = Vue.computed(() => count.value * 2);

Svelte: Svelte’s approach to reactivity is unique, as it compiles components into efficient JavaScript at build time, eliminating the need for a virtual DOM. This results in faster updates and less boilerplate code. Svelte’s syntax, which closely resembles HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, makes it easier for developers to learn and use, especially those already familiar with these languages.

// Svelte reactive declaration
let count = 0;
$: doubleCount = count * 2;

The Road Ahead

As React continues to evolve, the introduction of the React Compiler and Actions marks a significant shift towards more streamlined and efficient development practices. These advancements bring React closer to its counterparts in terms of simplicity and efficiency, setting the stage for a future where React development is more enjoyable and less burdened by boilerplate code.

The React ecosystem’s future looks promising, with these new features paving the way for more innovative and efficient development practices. Developers can expect to see further improvements and enhancements as the React team continues to push the boundaries of what’s possible with React development.




Yanampally Abhiram Reddy

Hey there! I'm Abhiram, a passionate Full Stack Developer , a Technology Enthusiast and an ardent fan of Cricket.