Tech In Policy — Write for us! A submission guide

Eda Deniz
Tech in Policy
Published in
2 min readNov 18, 2020

Tech in Policy is now accepting pitches to be submitted to our publication on Medium. Tech in Policy is a collaboration that focuses on technology being used for good and shines a light on its more malicious or neglectful implementations. For guidelines on contributing, please continue reading and submit your pitch here.

Who Can Submit An Article?

You can! We are looking for submissions from writers with a technical background — professional experience, education, or self-taught — to write for a general audience. Underrepresented voices in tech are highly encouraged to submit(Women, Black/African American, Latinx/Hispanic, those of South East Asian descent, Indigenous, members of the LGBTQIA community, those working with disabilities, etc.). If you can break down the complexities of the intersection of policy in tech to a non-technical crowd — then we want to hear from you!

What Types of Articles Do you Publish?

Think pieces that demonstrate an intersection of how policies in tech impact our lives. We strive to maintain a balance of explaining complex technical topics for the general viewer, and sharing how policies and regulations on this topic impacts the public. For inspiration here are some topics we’ve covered in the past :

  • How biases in AI & machine learning algorithms can define and hurt minority health outcomes
  • The threat of deepfakes and the need for legislation to ensure authenticity
  • Web accessibility as a human right and how to create accessible websites
  • How data encryption can protect your data from state forces
  • Sharing your perspective and lessons learned on your first week on the job as a software engineer as part of the My First Week series

Take a look at what we’ve published in the past. We are NOT looking for purely technical or purely opinionated pieces. All claims should be substantiated from accurate and reliable resources.

Still Interested? Guidelines on how to submit

  • Draft a pitch of your submission topic. This should be an overview of your concept(~100 words) — we are focusing on pieces that focus on technology and its impact on policy and society. Keep in mind that your publication will be around 1000 words.
  • Pitches are not to be published on other publications.
  • On the week of your publication, you must be available to meet with the editors for a review. Please pick your timeline accordingly.
  • We’ll follow up with you as soon as possible! Thank you for your interest in writing for Tech in Policy!

Tech in Policy does not currently provide payment for published pieces.



Eda Deniz
Tech in Policy

Full stack web developer exploring how policy, innovation and culture in tech influences our daily lives. Based in New York City.