Trends In Automotive Industry

Tech Innovations
Published in
4 min readJul 29, 2019

The automotive industry has witnessed a drastic evolution post-2016 with many important advancements in technology. The old-fashioned four-wheeled cars, which were earlier equipped with basic features, have transformed into connected cars with advanced features such as cloud computing, big data, and the Internet of Things (IoT), among others.

1. Where is Automotive Industry Heading?

The automotive industry is an ever-evolving sector which has brought forth one evolution after the other. It has introduced convenience and agility to everyday human life. Conversely, it is also the most significant source of air pollution. Hence, it is inevitable that the social, political, and technological developments will play a crucial role in determining the direction adopted by the automotive industry over the next few years.

The automobile boom has strained infrastructure as well as the environment, fueling rapid urbanization. City municipalities have started implementing strict regulations to alleviate the effects of brown haze, gridlock, and parking space shortage. Several cities have also established low emission zones to restrict the movement of vehicles with internal combustion engines.

The world is already experiencing the surge of electric cars, which are all but set to replace their gasoline and diesel counterparts. The rise in the popularity of electric vehicles can be attributed to the rising concerns of environmental pollution as well as the cost benefits. Also, the proposed bans on fossil fuels across the globe have accelerated the switch.

The uncertainty over the future of automobiles has caused a fall in new car sales. The proposed bans and the hike in fuel prices have made the public wary of investing in vehicles. This trend is predicted to continue for the next few years, depending on the political and social conditions. Consequently, it has forced automakers to invest in alternative fuels and emission control to meet the stringent regulations.

Even though automobiles have facilitated efficient transportation, they are subject to extensive regulations, depleting fuel, and space requirements. Also, they are primary contributors to the congestion problems as well as the strain on global resources.

However, recent technological developments show a shift toward electric, autonomous, and connected cars.

Check This Out: Automotive Industry Heading

Photo by Matt Antonioli on Unsplash

2.The Application of AI in Cybersecurity:

The incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) has opened new windows of opportunity for cybersecurity. AI has proved its limitless potential across various sectors. Its implementation not only helps the organizations in safeguarding against existing cyber threats but it also aids in the detection of new malware and viruses.

The organizations can utilize the vast databases of digital footprints compiled by security specialists to train the AI in identifying the common hacking patterns. It will enable the AI-powered cybersecurity solutions to track intrusion signatures and take necessary precautions to mitigate the damage.

For instance, many organizations neglect to incorporate everyday devices such as video cameras, printers, and so on into their security strategies. As a result, the hackers gain access into the broader network by breaching the lax security measures at specific points. However, the utilization AI in cybersecurity can help the organization in scanning the entire network for weak spots and securing them against cyberattacks.

Several organizations have already implemented AI based cybersecurity measures in their operations. For instance, Gmail utilizes AI spam filter to detect spam emails. Also, the AI-based fraud detection feature of MasterCard uses advanced algorithms to predict customer behavior and assess the authenticity of the transactions.

However, AI learning is not without flaws. For instance, a recent experiment conducted by a research team proved the existence of vulnerabilities in the learning-based systems of self-driving cars. The team used simple graffiti sprays to alter the road signs, successfully forcing the vehicles to misclassify the signals.

The additional concern plaguing the implementation of effective cybersecurity measures is the ability of sophisticated hackers to trick the AI learning. Skillful hackers usually erase their digital footprints through tunneling protocol and log file alteration. Since the AI learning utilizes the signature databases to train itself, the absence of intrusion patterns will obstruct its capability.

Check This Out: Application Of AI



Tech Innovations

I am a technology blogger, who loves to read and write on the latest in technology.