How to Export Data from a Remote PostgreSQL Table to a CSV file on your Local Machine

You can export data from a PostgreSQL table to a CSV file on your Ubuntu server and then transfer that CSV file to your local laptop desktop using several methods.

Joseph Adediji
Tech Insights
2 min readSep 4, 2023


Recently, I needed to export data from a PostgreSQL database of a Django App to a CSV file and save it on my local machine, and I was looking for a straightforward guide to do that but I couldn’t find any.

Anyways, I eventually figured it out, so I decided to write this short piece so that you wont need to try so many things before you figure it out.

How to Export Data from a Remote PostgreSQL Table to a CSV file on your Local Machine

There are various ways to can use to achieve this, but I will be sharing the easiest and also the most common approach using the `psql` command-line tool and `scp` for file transfer:

So, lets get started.

  1. Login to your Ubuntu server via your SSH terminal. You will most likely use a command like below to access your Ubuntu server.
ssh <username>@<server_ip>

2. Connect to your server PostgreSQL database, this will involve a couple of commands, below is an example, please modify it to meet your needs.

sudo -i -u postgres
\c <database name>

3. Export the data to a CSV file by using the `psql` command-line tool. Replace `<username>` with your PostgreSQL username and `<database>` with your database name:

COPY <table_name> TO '/tmp/table_name.csv' WITH CSV HEADER;
COPY students TO '/tmp/students.csv' WITH CSV HEADER;

This command exports the data from the `students` table to a CSV file named `students.csv` with a header row.

4. Transfer the CSV file to your laptop: the next thing is copy this file to your laptop/local computer. we will use the `scp` (Secure Copy) command to transfer the CSV file from your server to your laptop.

Replace `<username>` with your server username and `<server_ip>` with your server’s IP address. Replace `<remote_file_path>` with the path to the CSV file on your server, and `<local_destination>` with the path to your local desktop folder:

scp <username>@<server_ip>:<remote_file_path> <local_destination>

For example, if your server’s IP address is, and the CSV file is in the `/tmp` directory on the server, and you want to save it on your laptop’s desktop, you can use a command like this:

scp username@ ~/Desktop/

Replace `username` with your server username.

You will be prompted to enter your server password. Once the transfer is complete, you should find the `students.csv` file on your laptop’s desktop.

Now, you have successfully exported the data from the PostgreSQL table to a CSV file and transferred it to your laptop’s desktop.

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