TAJMA All Solutions; Project One Review:


Alejandro Reyes
Tech Jobs Academy
3 min readJul 13, 2016


Tech Jobs Academy project one consisted of creating an isolated network of five servers, which was done through an unattended installation from a boot-able USB drive. This installation put Windows Server 2012 R2 Core on all five of our servers. Project one also allowed us to get our feet wet, when it came to creating powerShell scripts that allowed us to set up the network, DNS (Domain Name System), Active Directory and also the addition of users through a CSV (Comma Separated Value) file.

My role in this project consisted of creating two Domain Controllers with DNS for a child domain. The domain controller serves as a database which enables users to access resources through authentication. In order to have an unattended installation on our servers, we created an unattended answer key and merged it with the Windows Server 2012 R2 ISO. I also assisted in this portion of the project. Overall our project was a success, my team and I were able to complete everything before the deadline while achieving all the objectives set.

My favorite part of the project was being able to work with incredible teammates. We all faced roadblocks while working on our respective roles in the project, but it was great seeing how we helped each other out to clear the encountered roadblocks. This was also a great way in which we all learned different methods of solving and approaching a problem.

Looking back at our project, there were various things that could have been done differently such as doing our project on five physical computers instead of doing everything on virtual machines. This would have allowed us to get a more “real world feeling” to the project while trying this different method. By implementing this project physically, we were going to be introduced to other hardware such as cables and switches. Hardware components such as these would also allow us to face troubleshooting aspects if they were to arise.

Difficulties faced

The most difficult part in this project was having the unattended installation completed how we wanted. At the end we were able to successfully complete our task, but we did struggle a bit and lost some time in the process. It was tedious working with Windows Systems Image Manager to create our answer key. Thanks to some enlightenment from a classmate we noticed our mistake and were able to correct it with less time being spent.


Personally, I really enjoyed the opportunity to work with a great team and especially to physically implement what we learned (even though it was done on virtual machines). The roadblocks that we encountered helped us discover new methods of solving an issue and uniting the team. In regards to the technical concept, I was finally able to see and work with the file that allows for the installation of an operating system. I would generally install an OS and observe the screens that were presented to you in a first-time installation without knowing the processes taking place behind the scenes and how they can be manipulated. Even though I was not a major fan of the tedious portion and how a lot of the information presented is not very clear I was able to successfully complete it and learn a new topic. I am looking forward to my future projects, for all the ups and downs that I may encounter and all the new learning experiences.

