Week 3 Tech Journal | Inhumanity and Technology

Isadora Lee
Tech Journal Cyberpunk
2 min readSep 24, 2021

Throughout history, humans used technology to amplify their own inhumanity. An example of a fairly recent use of technology used inhumanly is the exploitation of the dark web. The dark web is simply just a part of the Internet that requires specific software, authorization, or certain configurations to access it. On a surface level, this doesn’t seem like a bad thing, but when bad people have access to it that’s where things go south. The dark web is a hub for illegal and immoral activity, such as the buying and selling of humans, child pornography, and even live murders. Every day these sick things happen on the dark web without many people knowing it. Anyone can participate in these types of acts because of how anonymous you can be. Even your next-door neighbor or co-worker could be a part of it and you wouldn’t even know. The dark web also offers a place where these sick individuals can find those like them and feel validated in what they think. They’ll believe that there is nothing wrong with them and that their acts are fine. We will always have sick and messed up people in this world, but the use of technology and the Internet amplifies their wrongdoings.

