I left my job at Google to build Tech Ladies full-time

Here are 5 reasons why…

Allison from Juniper
Tech Ladies
3 min readOct 12, 2016


New York Times + Tech Ladies table from a recent event. [Photo by Carolynn Choi]

Tech Ladies has been growing fast since we launched www.hiretechladies.com this past July. What started as a small coffee meetup has grown to include 5,000+ women who work in tech worldwide. I’ve been itching to give Tech Ladies my full attention for awhile, but some exciting stuff has happened recently that inspired me to make the jump…

  1. Tech Ladies was recently accepted into the Women@Forbes and Impact Hub Female Founder Entrepreneur Program! This means I’ll be building Tech Ladies out of Impact Hub for the next 3 months, and learning as much as I can from their network of entrepreneurs and founders.
  2. Our job board on www.hiretechladies.com has featured roles from Kickstarter, Evernote, Warby Parker, Buffer, Etsy, GIPHY, Yahoo, Harry’s, and dozens more. Women from our group have started landing their dream roles through our site. Put that in your pipe(line) and smoke it!
  3. In the 3 months since we launched the site, our online community has doubled, and we’ve created a space online where women in tech can #ASK or #OFFER help, share their wins with #YEPIMADETHAT or #YEPIDIDTHAT, get anonymous career advice with #HELPASISTEROUT, and so much more. Thoughtful, incredible, and helpful posts flow in every day from around the world.
Left- Member-organized meetup in LA. Right- Member-organized picnic in NYC.

4. I’ve been constantly energized by the ladies in our group, and seeing their contributions has made me want to put more and more into it. For example, our weekly members-only newsletter which highlights jobs and events now features a Q+A with a members of our group, helping to put women’s work in tech at the forefront.

Photo of recent event with The New York Times at Collab in NYC by Carolynn Choi

5. Our community isn’t just connecting women online. Our events in NYC and SF every other month with partners like The New York Times and Expa are drawing hundreds of attendees. Recently, our members have started organizing their own smaller meetups in cities like Los Angeles, DC, Vancouver, NYC, and many more coming soon.

Thanks to everyone who has shared Tech Ladies with friends, coworkers, and companies that are hiring. I’m beyond grateful for the ways in which everyone helps us grow. More coming soon!

Tech Ladies is a worldwide community for women in tech. Join the group, or submit an event or job posting at: www.hiretechladies.com

