I’m in it for the long haul, let’s build Tech Ladies for 10+ years into a multimillion $$ company

Allison from Juniper
Tech Ladies
Published in
2 min readApr 29, 2019

Recently on Twitter I shared our goals for how we’re building Tech Ladies. We’re bootstrapped and community-focused, but it’s important that we’re also profitable so we can continue to do this work for years to come.

We don’t have any VC funding which means we don’t have any bosses or owners. This enables us to choose who we want to partner with for job postings, events, and more.

This flexibility to cut ties with problematic companies has been important as we grow. We’ve said no to all kinds of money from companies who do not have inclusive cultures for women and nb people.

People think doing this is hard, but it’s easy. Here’s how we enact change:

1. We believe women in our community
2. We take action when something isn’t right

That’s it!

So if you want to support the work we’re doing and level up your career, you might be interested in becoming a Founding Member when we open it up next week. Founding Membership is a paid subscription to a smaller, more intimate network within Tech Ladies, and it comes with tons of perks. Enrollment is only for current members of Tech Ladies and will be open from Monday May 6–12.

Allison and Team Tech Ladies

