Monday Letter: Why “You are not alone” is our north star at Tech Ladies

Allison from Juniper
Tech Ladies
Published in
2 min readApr 8, 2019

Someone recently asked me to describe the highest mission of Tech Ladies in 5 words or less and here’s what I said: “You are not alone.”

Weird, right?

You’d think it would be more like “connecting women with the best jobs and opportunities in tech,” which we do. But “you are not alone” is our north star.

Tech Ladies started as a coffee meet-up in NYC back in 2014. Even with only a dozen women we heard it over and over: “I’m the only one on my team” or “I’m one of the only women.” It felt lonely! And together? It felt like we were less alone.

It made being at work easier.

When we launched our online community back then we knew there *must* be more folks who felt this way. Our community is now bursting with over 50,000 members.

We may be the only ones on our team, or one of the few, but we are not alone.

Allison and Team Tech Ladies

P.S. Want to host meet-ups in your city like we did in the early days? We’re looking for new City Organizers in Portland, Seattle, Atlanta, Miami, and Toronto. City Organizers are volunteers who commit to hosting 4 events per year. They keep all the profits from their events, and get perks! Apply here.

