Did you know… Azure bicepparam files are a thing 😮

Francisco Vilches
Published in
Jun 27, 2023

Azure bicep templates allow parameters to be passed in through .json files. Although, another alternative is to use .bicepparam files.

As opposed to .json files, .bicepparam files allow:

  • ✅IntelliSense
  • ✅Language expressions
  • ✅Type checking
  • ✅To shift left and catch errors early. e.g., red squiggles on missing params

And of course, deployment commands are defined as usual, except the parameters flag gets passed a .bicepparam file instead of .json file.

az deployment group create \
--name ExampleDeployment \
--resource-group ExampleGroup \
--template-file main.bicep \
--parameters main.dev.bicepparam

See Microsoft Doc

while (true) happy coding!

