20 Best HTML Interview Questions For Hiring HTML Developers

Tech Lead Hub
Published in
8 min readOct 7, 2022

This article was originally published on Remotebase blog.

Are you someone who has to interview a candidate for the HTML developer role but doesn’t know what to ask? If that is the case, you must prepare a set of HTML interview questions and their answers. But now you don’t have to do the homework because we have gathered everything you need to ask in an HTML interview and go beyond just asking, “What is HTML?”.

Ask the right questions to hire the right candidate.

HTML is the second most popular programming language, with more than 56% of users worldwide. That is why filtering out the best HTML developer amongst this large pool of HTML developers requires you to ask the right questions when interviewing the candidates. In addition to questions about HTML, you should also ask about their experience and skills. It will help you gauge a candidate’s understanding of the basics of HTML development and see if they would be a good fit for the role.

In case you don’t have a technical background, here’s a brief HTML intro.

HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language, is used to structure the content of a web page and can be used to include images, videos, and other multimedia. It also allows for the creation of hyperlinks, which can be used to link to other web pages or resources.

Here are 20 HTML interview questions for hiring HTML developers in 2022:

1. What are the different types of HTML elements?

HTML elements are used to create the different parts of a web page. These include headings, paragraphs, lists, and tables. HTML elements are also used to create links, images, and other multimedia.

2. What is the basic format of an HTML page structure?

HTML basic page structure:

3. What Are Tags And Attributes in HTML?

An HTML tag is a code used to mark an HTML element’s beginning and end. An HTML attribute is a piece of information associated with an HTML element. For example, the href attribute specifies the URL of a link.

4. Which is the latest version of HTML, and what are its features?

HTML5 is the latest version of HTML, and some of its features are:

  • It supports multimedia.
  • It provides better compatibility with updated parsing rules.
  • It uses web SQL databases to store data temporarily.
  • It does not include elements such as Applet, isindex, noframes, acronym, dir, font, frame, frameset, and large.
  • It contains elements such as time, summary, aside, audio, command, and data.
  • It can run Javascript in the background.

5. What are block-level elements in HTML?

A block-level element in HTML is any element that starts a new line and uses the entire width of the page or container, for example <p>. It can occupy one line or multiple lines and has a line break before and after the element.

6. What are inline elements in HTML?

Inline elements are those elements that are displayed in a line and take up only the necessary width, occupying only the space bounded by the tags defining the HTML element instead of breaking the flow of the content. A link is an example of an inline element.

7. What are inline elements in HTML?

To optimize website load time, we need to optimize its asset loading by doing the following:

  • CDN hosting — Reduces latency.
  • File compression — Decreases the size of an asset to reduce the data transfer.
  • File concatenation — Decreases the number of HTTP calls.
  • Minify scripts — Decreases the file size of js and CSS files.
  • Lazy Loading — Allows non-critical assets to load only when needed.

8. Explain the difference between div and span elements in HTML.

  • Div: A div or Division tag is used to make divisions of content on the web page. It is a block-level tag and has both opening(<div>) and closing (</div>) tags, and it is mandatory to close the tag.
  • Span: A span element is a generic inline container for inline elements and content. It is used to group elements for styling purposes. It is similar to the div tag but is an inline tag, not a block-level one.

9. When to use colgroup and col tags in a table?

The <colgroup> tag specifies a group of one or more columns in a table and applies styles to entire columns instead of repeating the styles for each cell, for each row. It must be a child of a <table> element and comes before any <thead>, <tbody>, <tfoot>, and <tr> elements. While the <col> tag specifies column properties for each column within a <colgroup> element. It applies styles to entire columns instead of repeating the styles for each cell, for each row.

10. What is the correct way to include JavaScript in your HTML document? Give an example code with an explanation.

By using the script tag with the attribute src, an external JavaScript file can be included in HTML. You’ve already used the src attribute when using images.

Example: <script type="text/javascript" src="JavascriptFilePath.js"></script>

This script tag should be included between the <head> tags in the HTML document.

11. What is the correct way to include JavaScript in your HTML document? Give an example code with an explanation.

HTML is very easy to use and understand. It allows developers to create interactive web pages with the use of multimedia and makes it easier to fetch information by adding links to the web page.

12. How do you create a table in HTML?

By using the <table> tag, we can create table in HTML. The row of a table is defined by the <tr> tag, the <th> tag defines a table header, and a table cell is defined by the <td> tag.



13. What is a marquee tag in HTML?

A marquee tag is an HTML element that automatically enables the text to scroll up, down, left, and right. Example: <marquee> Your Text </marquee>

14. How do you create a link in HTML?

You can create a link in HTML using the element. The element has an href attribute, which specifies the URL of the link.

15. How can you embed images into your web page? Explain with example code.

By using the <img> tag, we can link images to web pages. The <img> tag creates a holding space for the referenced image. Example:

16. Which media types does HTML support?

HTML supports the following media formats: Images: jpg, gif, SVG, jpeg, png, BMP, etc. Audio: RealAudio, AAC, WAV, WMA, MIDI, MP3, etc. Video: MPEG, AVI, WMV, Flash, MP4, etc.

17. What are void elements in HTML?

The elements that require an opening tag but no closing tag as they can’t contain any content are referred to as void elements in HTML. For example br />, img />, etc.

18. Name some basic HTML tags and their uses.

  • <html>: for adding the root element
  • <head>: for adding the document header
  • <title>: for adding the page title
  • <body>: for adding the page's content
  • <h1>: for adding a section heading
  • <p>: for adding a paragraph
  • <a>: for adding a link
  • <img>: for adding an image
  • <b>: for making text bold
  • <i>: for making text italic
  • <big>: for increasing the font size of the text by one unit
  • <small>: for decreasing the font size of the text by one unit
  • <sub>: for making the text a subscript
  • <sup>: for making the text a superscript
  • <del>: for displaying as strike out text
  • <mark>: for highlighting the text

19. How do you create a hyperlink in HTML?

Hyperlinks are created using the HTML element. This element can be used to link to other web pages or resources. The hyperlink element can also create links within a web page.

20. What is a Style Sheet in HTML?

A style sheet specifies the design and formatting of a web page in HTML, such as the page size, margins and fonts. The currently recommended style sheet is the “Cascading Style Sheets” (CSS) language.

Look for more than just core HTML skills.

Just like how you are using the internet to look for the top HTML interview questions, the HTML developer you are going to interview will be doing the same to prepare for it. That is why it’s better to look for someone who not only has excellent HTML development skills but is compatible with your company’s culture.

To check if a candidate is a perfect fit for your organization, inquire about the following:

  • Their approach to handling complex projects with tight deadlines
  • What motivates and demotivates them
  • Their previous projects
  • Their learning aptitude
  • Flexibility and adaptability
  • What they look for in an organization
  • Their ability to work remotely — a necessity in current times

After evaluating candidates based on these aspects, you can see if their vision and working style match your company culture or not, and then you can make a sound decision about hiring them. After all, skills become obsolete with time, but a person’s attitude is what enables them to produce great results.


As a hiring manager, it’s essential to ask questions about HTML to gauge a candidate’s understanding of the basics of web development. By asking these HTML interview questions, you’ll better understand a candidate’s skills and experience.

If you find this overwhelming and want to save time, why not switch to a smarter hiring process with Remotebase to get thoroughly vetted HTML developers within 24 hours?

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##Frequently Asked Questions

What do HTML developers do?

An HTML developer uses HTML to create website layouts based on templates and wireframes. HTML is a semantic language used to control information on websites and determine how users navigate and interact with them.

What are 5 essential skills every web developer should have?

  • Constantly learning
  • Keeping up to date with the industry
  • Time management ability
  • Understanding of UX
  • Good communication skills

How do I ensure quality HTML Developers?

You can regularly conduct meetings with the HTML Developer and ensure the quality of the work.

What are the skills required for HTML developer?

In-depth knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and XML. Ability to troubleshoot coding and application errors. Proficiency in web design and user application requirements.

What are the important topics of HTML?

Here are the most important concepts of HTML:

  • HTML document, DOM
  • Block vs inline elements
  • Semantic vs non-semantic elements
  • Form elements
  • HTML Input Attributes
  • HTML graphics and media

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