How to Use Robots.txt File to Control Search Engine Crawlers: Tips and Strategies

Ehtasham Afzal
Tech Lead Hub
Published in
4 min readMar 13, 2023
Robot.txt file

If you’re looking to optimize your website for search engines, then you’ll need to learn how to use a robots.txt file. This file controls how search engine crawlers access your website, and it can help you to improve your website’s visibility and search engine rankings. In this article, we’ll explore how to use robots.txt file to control search engine crawlers, and we’ll provide you with some tips and strategies to help you get the most out of this powerful tool.

What is a Robots.txt File?

A robots.txt file is a file that you place in the root directory of your website. This file tells search engine crawlers which pages and directories they are allowed to crawl, and which ones they should ignore. The file is written in a specific syntax, and it can include a variety of directives that control how search engines access your website.

Why Use a Robots.txt File?

There are several reasons why you might want to use a robots.txt file. Here are a few:

  1. Control which pages and directories are crawled: By using a robots.txt file, you can specify which pages and directories you want search engines to crawl, and which ones you want them to ignore.
  2. Improve crawl efficiency: By excluding pages and directories that don’t need to be crawled, you can improve the efficiency of the crawling process. This can help to reduce the load on your web server, and improve your website’s performance.
  3. Protect sensitive data: If you have pages or directories that contain sensitive information, you can use a robots.txt file to prevent search engines from accessing them.
  4. Improve SEO: By controlling which pages and directories are crawled, you can help search engines to better understand the structure of your website. This can help to improve your website’s search engine rankings.

How to Use Robots.txt File to Control Search Engine Crawlers

Now that you understand the benefits of using a robots.txt file, let’s take a look at how to use it to control search engine crawlers. Here are some tips and strategies to help you get started:

  1. Use Disallow Directive to Block Pages and Directories

To prevent search engines from crawling certain pages or directories, you can use the “Disallow” directive in your robots.txt file. For example, if you want to prevent search engines from crawling your “admin” directory, you can use the following directive:

javascriptCopy code
User-agent: *
Disallow: /admin/

This will tell all search engine crawlers to exclude the /admin/ directory from their crawling process.

2. Use Allow Directive to Unblock Pages and Directories

If you’ve previously blocked a page or directory using the Disallow directive, but you now want to unblock it, you can use the “Allow” directive to allow search engines to crawl it. For example, if you previously blocked your “images” directory, but now you want to allow search engines to crawl it, you can use the following directive:

javascriptCopy code
User-agent: *
Disallow: /images/
Allow: /images/allowed-folder/

This will tell all search engine crawlers to exclude the /images/ directory, except for the /images/allowed-folder/ subdirectory.

3. Use Sitemap Directive to Point Search Engines to Your Sitemap

If you have a sitemap that lists all of the pages on your website, you can use the “Sitemap” directive in your robots.txt file to point search engines to it. For example, if your sitemap is located at, you can use the following directive:

javascriptCopy code
Sitemap: <>

This will tell search engines where to find your sitemap, which can help to improve the crawling and indexing of your website.

4. Test Your Robots.txt


Before you upload your robots.txt file to your website, it’s important to test it to make sure that it’s working as expected. There are several tools that you can use to test your robots.txt file, including the Google Search Console and the Robots.txt Tester tool in Google Analytics.

5. Use Wildcards to Block Multiple Pages and Directories

If you want to block multiple pages or directories that have a similar naming convention, you can use wildcards to save time. For example, if you want to block all pages that contain the word “test” in the URL, you can use the following directive:

makefileCopy code
User-agent: *
Disallow: /*test*

This will tell all search engine crawlers to exclude any page that contains the word “test” in the URL.

6. Use Noindex Meta Tag to Prevent Pages from Being Indexed

If you have pages that you don’t want to appear in search engine results, you can use the “noindex” meta tag to prevent them from being indexed. This tag can be placed in the head section of your HTML code. For example:

phpCopy code
<meta name="robots" content="noindex">

This will tell search engine crawlers not to index the page.

7. Monitor Your Robots.txt File Regularly

It’s important to monitor your robots.txt file regularly to make sure that it’s still working as expected. If you make changes to your website’s structure or content, you may need to update your robots.txt file to reflect those changes.


Using a robots.txt file to control search engine crawlers can be an effective way to improve the visibility and search engine rankings of your website. By following these tips and strategies, you can create a robots.txt file that works for your website and helps you to achieve your SEO goals. Remember to test your file regularly and update it as needed to ensure that it continues to work effectively.

