HTTP/2 and SEO: How the Latest Protocol Can Boost Your Rankings

Ehtasham Afzal
Tech Lead Hub
Published in
3 min readApr 5, 2023
HTTP/2 and SEO: How the Latest Protocol Can Boost Your Rankings

HTTP/2 is the latest version of the HTTP protocol that powers the internet. It was developed to address the limitations of the previous version, HTTP/1.1, and provide faster, more efficient web browsing. In this article, we will explore how HTTP/2 can impact your SEO efforts and help you improve your rankings.

What is HTTP/2?
HTTP/2 is a protocol for transferring data between a web server and a web browser. It was released in 2015 and is designed to reduce the latency and overhead associated with HTTP/1.1. The new protocol is faster and more efficient than its predecessor, which can have a significant impact on the performance of your website.

How HTTP/2 Works?
HTTP/2 works by using a single connection to transfer multiple requests and responses between the server and the browser. In contrast, HTTP/1.1 uses multiple connections, which can lead to performance issues due to the latency associated with establishing new connections. HTTP/2 also uses a binary format for data transfer, which is more efficient than the text-based format used by HTTP/1.1. Additionally, HTTP/2 supports server push, which allows the server to send content to the browser before it is requested, further improving performance.

  1. Impact on Page Speed
    Page speed is a critical factor in SEO, and HTTP/2 can help improve page load times significantly. In a study by Akamai, websites using HTTP/2 saw an average improvement of 15% in page load times compared to HTTP/1.1. Faster page load times can improve user experience, reduce bounce rates, and increase the number of pages users view per session, all of which can have a positive impact on SEO.
  2. Mobile Optimization
    Mobile optimization is essential for SEO, and HTTP/2 can help improve the performance of your website on mobile devices. Since mobile devices often have slower connections than desktop devices, the faster page load times enabled by HTTP/2 can be particularly beneficial for mobile users. Additionally, Google has indicated that mobile-friendliness is a ranking factor, so improving mobile performance can have a positive impact on SEO.
  3. Improved Security
    HTTP/2 requires the use of SSL/TLS encryption, which can improve the security of your website. Since website security is a ranking factor, using HTTP/2 can help improve your SEO.
  4. Improved User Experience
    HTTP/2’s ability to load web pages faster can improve the user experience significantly. Users are more likely to stay on a website that loads quickly, and this can help reduce bounce rates. Additionally, faster page load times can increase the number of pages users view per session, which can have a positive impact on your SEO.

How to Implement HTTP/2?
Implementing HTTP/2 requires that your website be hosted on a server that supports the protocol. You should check with your hosting provider to ensure that they support HTTP/2. If they do, you can enable it on your website by configuring your web server. This process may vary depending on your web server software, so consult your server documentation for guidance.

HTTP/2 is a significant improvement over HTTP/1.1, and its adoption can have a positive impact on your SEO efforts. The protocol’s ability to deliver web pages faster and more efficiently can improve user experience, reduce bounce rates, increase the number of pages users view per session, and improve mobile performance. Additionally, HTTP/2’s use of SSL/TLS encryption can improve website security, which is a ranking factor. By implementing HTTP/2, you can boost your rankings and stay ahead of the competition.

