Why Backend For Frontend Pattern ?

Unais Yousha Siddiqui
Tech Lead Hub
Published in
2 min readFeb 1, 2023


Backend for Frontend (BFF) is a software architecture pattern that helps to separate the backend and frontend of an application, while still allowing them to work together seamlessly. This pattern is particularly useful for building complex, large-scale applications that need to handle multiple client types, such as web, mobile, and IoT devices.


In a traditional monolithic architecture, the backend and frontend are tightly coupled, making it difficult to make changes to one without affecting the other. With BFF, the backend and frontend are decoupled, allowing for greater flexibility and scalability. This is achieved by creating a separate backend layer, specifically designed to meet the needs of the frontend.

The BFF layer acts as an intermediary between the backend and frontend, allowing for communication between the two without the need for direct integration. This allows for a more flexible frontend, as it does not need to be tightly coupled to the backend. Additionally, the BFF layer can also handle tasks such as security, caching, and data transformation, which can be customized to the needs of the frontend.


Lets take the example of Netflix from my previous article What are Microservices if it was build on the traditional monolithic architecture, a separate backend would need to be created for each client type, which can be time-consuming and costly. With BFF, a single backend can be used to handle multiple client types like mobile and browser, reducing development time and costs.

An Example of Netflix

Another benefit of BFF is the ability to easily scale the backend and frontend separately. With a traditional monolithic architecture, the backend and frontend are tightly coupled, making it difficult to scale one without affecting the other. With BFF, the backend and frontend can be scaled independently, allowing for better resource management and increased scalability.


In conclusion, the Backend for Frontend (BFF) pattern is a powerful architecture pattern that helps to separate the backend and frontend of an application, while still allowing them to work together seamlessly. It offers a more flexible and scalable solution for building complex, large-scale applications that need to handle multiple client types. By creating a separate backend layer specifically designed to meet the needs of the frontend, BFF allows for a more flexible frontend, and allows for customization of security, caching, and data transformation.

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