What Exactly is Performance Testing? A Simple Explanation.

Niluka Sripali Monnankulama
Many Minds
Published in
2 min read1 day ago

In this blog, let’s break down what performance testing is in simple terms. To get a clear idea, we can start by comparing it to functional testing.

Functional Testing:

Functional testing is essential for verifying that an application’s specific functionalities operate as intended.

A typical example involves testing the login process. We ensure that users can successfully log in with correct credentials by entering valid credentials, clicking the sign-in button, and confirming access. This type of testing validates functional use cases to guarantee that the application performs its expected tasks accurately and reliably.


Performance testing ,

focuses on evaluating an application’s behavior under diverse conditions.

Unlike functional testing, which checks specific tasks, performance testing assesses how well the application performs under various user loads. For instance, it examines if the application can handle 100, 1000, or more users logging in simultaneously.

Actually here we monitor factors like login times, memory usage, CPU utilization, and network performance to ensure the application remains responsive and efficient even during peak usage.

So simply, Performance testing ensures that the application meets non-functional requirements related to scalability, responsiveness, and resource utilization.

Performance Testing can be defined as a process of test Applications under different conditions, over a period of time and evaluate non functional result.

Performance testing isn’t just about checking under normal situations — it covers both typical and unusual scenarios. This means testing how well the application performs with different challenges.

Normal Conditions: Handling User Loads

Under normal conditions, testers check how the application handles a consistent number of users. They focus on response times and resource use to ensure smooth performance.

Abnormal Conditions: Stress Testing

In abnormal conditions, testers push the application with unexpected challenges. For example, they might test with many users while keeping the database size constant, to see if the app can handle high loads without slowing down.

Scaling Up: Growth Challenges

Performance testing also looks at scenarios where both user numbers and database sizes grow together. This tests how well the app can grow to handle more users and larger data sizes while still performing well.

Ultimately, performance testing is not just about meeting technical benchmarks but about guaranteeing a consistent user experience across different usage scenarios. By identifying and addressing performance bottlenecks early on, businesses can enhance application reliability, minimize downtime, and uphold user satisfaction in dynamic environments.



Niluka Sripali Monnankulama
Many Minds

An IT professional with over 7+ years of experience. Member of the WSO2 Identity & Access Management Team.