How to add a custom thumbnail to AEM packages?

Albin Issac
Tech Learnings
Published in
2 min readJun 4, 2020


This tutorial explains the steps to add a custom thumbnail to AEM(Adobe Experience Manager) content packages.

The custom thumbnail is the icon that appears with the package listing in the package manager, the custom thumbnail option helps us to differentiate the AEM packages in package manager through the different icon.

As a first step, create an image named thumbnail.png -the recommended dimensions are 64 x 64 pixels.

Create a new folder named definition under: <ui.apps or ui.content>/src/main/content/META-INF/vault/definition

Add the thumbnail image under the definition folder.

Inside the definition folder, create a file named .content.xml and add the following content

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xmlns:vlt = ""

Build&deploy the package — mvn clean install -PautoInstallPackage

Now you should see the custom thumbnail for the deployed packages, verify the custom thumbnail from the package manager.


The custom thumbnail is the icon that appears with the package listing in the package manager, the custom thumbnail option helps to differentiate the AEM packages in package manager through the different icon. This feature can be used to group the packages with a different icon when there is a multi-tenant package or different category of packages.

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Albin Issac
Tech Learnings

I work as a Software Architect specializing in Marketing Technologies. For more information, please visit my profile at: