Thank you Product Hunt

Tech London
Published in
3 min readJul 24, 2015

The Product Hunt Effect or What happens if you get featured on PH.

This is a little story of how Popsicle went from 2 friends working from the living room to being featured in PH and getting approached by a VC.

What is Popsicle?

Popsicle is a beautifully simple messaging app for Twitter.

The Contacts screen.

We wanted a simple, fast, spam-free, privacy-respecting messenger and we felt that none of the options we had were right for us. So we decided to build Popsicle.

Popsicle takes advantage of the existing Twitter framework and boasts no clutter, no complexity, no sharing private details and above all, no endless spams to overwhelm you.

Popsicle will now lay the foundation to build more features on top of it thus creating a mobile messaging app as we envision it!

How it happened?

A friend of mine from Germany (Thank you Marc!) saw the early prototype and shared the same vision with us: a better messenger. He also happen to be a regular PH visitor and has posted quite a lot of nice products there. Our app was in the App Store review process for about 12 days 😓 and when it was finally approved I told him to download the app and give it a spin!

He loved it and he gave us very good feedback on what is awesome and what needs to be improved. In the meanwhile, he posted it on PH. We were shocked to find he already had posted it because we were getting ready to go to bed and call it a day. Here’s the screenshot I took when I received a notification that Ryan Hoover had upvoted us! #LifeGoalCompleted

Show me the Product Hunt Effect


Downloads: 681

Messages Sent: 3578

Expressions of Love [tweets]: A LOT !!

A few hours later, The Memo (an amazing publication) sent us an email which resulted in us being featured there too!

Also, through Mention (the mention tracking app) we found that AppAdvice, a really awesome publication about iOS apps had written a review for Popsicle !! 🙌

But that wasn’t the end, we also received an email from a VC asking that we meet with him for a chat !!

Hopefully now we will be able to build Popsicle as we envisioned it. We really want to continue shipping new features, grow our team, bring the best talent aboard and eventually build a product that you will love to use and will make your life easier.

Any advice for me?

  1. Answer questions on PH immediately. ALL OF THEM
  2. Upvote ‘em too for taking the time to test and give feedback.
  3. If you don’t have it already, download Tweetdeck. You will need it.
  4. Google analytics biatch! Show me the numbers!
  5. Write down ALL the feedback and recommendations. It’s pure gold.
  6. Don’t panic. Be calm.
  7. Spread the love.

Got questions? My Twitter is @isiyfa

