A Fascinating Look at Digital Twin

Muniba Talha
Tech Lounge
Published in
5 min readNov 3, 2019


The concept of digital twins emerged during the early 2000s in the machinery industry. This was the period when machinery and production systems had begun to digitise. And as I have never worked with machinery or production systems so perhaps that’s why until recently the concept of Digital Twins was unknown to me.

When couple of days back I received an invitation from my department to attend “Inspirational Day about Digital Twins” instantly a holographic image of my digital twin lying on cloud (somewhat similar to the image below) instantly flashed across my mind.

And with that flash, questions like, what is digital twin made of (tools, technologies)? Is it an identical twin or fraternal? If this digital twin is lying on the cloud then who else has access to it? Can my digital twin grow with me? How can having a digital twin impact on real me? started appearing in my mind. But before I would get little too carried away by these questions I rather found it more sensible to start with finding the definition of digital twin for verifying as if digital twin exactly is a twin of a human beings or just a fancy term for another old technical concept. So let me take this opportunity and share my findings with you.

What is Digital Twin?



Muniba Talha
Tech Lounge

Motivated & Self-Driven Person. Passionate about Community Building, Lifelong Learning & Empathetic Leadership.