Welcome to #TechMasters 🍍

An online community tying together a diverse and passionate group of developers, technologists, and entrepreneurs from all around the world

Ahmad Nassri
3 min readAug 5, 2016


TechMasters was created in late 2014 as a place where a bunch of friends and co-workers from the Toronto tech scene would come together and share technology news, lessons learned, and help each other debug problems. Since then, after opening its doors to the worldwide developer and tech community, the group has grown to over 3,600 members!

The group today focuses on learning, and sharing experiences across business, technology, and entrepreneurship, and touting strong community ties with local organizations acting as the official online community for DevTO, FullStack Toronto, Fireside Conference, and ProductHuntTO.


We strive to grow a healthy community and nurture meaningful discussions, which is why we’ve established a Code of Conduct as a social contract for our members to follow. A core group of moderators and admins uphold the community guidelines and ensure that every voice can be heard and every conversation is fruitful!

And speaking of fruits…

Story of the 🍍

What started as a fun reaction to a new member introducing themselves to the group by members with a passion for pineapples, the pineapple emoji has evolved as our alternative to giving “kudos” for topics, posts, and individuals leading interesting discussions in the community. Next time you see something you like, give it a 🍍!

Weekly Topics and Public Archives

Every week, we set a new topic for discussion and engage the community in exploring feedback, thoughts, and lessons learned from their professional experience. The goal is to assist each other as well as newcomers in our technical industries navigate their career, and grow their knowledge!

While Slack does not provide a public view of the discussion happening in the community without being a member, you can find a full archive of all messages at techmasters.slackarchive.io.

The Road Ahead

With more focus on learning and community collaboration, we’ll be posting summaries of our weekly discussions into this blog. Also, we’ll work closer with organizations such as Fireside Conference as the official retreat for founders, entrepreneurs and investors; and with FullStack Toronto as the official learning conference for our technically-included members.

Join us!

Head over to our official website and join this amazing community, help us grow, and challenge the group with new discussions and ideas!

Some of our most active channels and topics:


As Arthur C. Clarke once said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” … But we Tech Masters know better, don’t we? Let’s talk about the tech we know, and want to know.


Business strategy, news, and intelligence. If it has anything to do with business, this is the place to talk about it!


When #programming questions get too detailed, use this channel to cut the noise and do 1:1 debugging with others.


Edward Teller once said, “The #science of today is the #technology of tomorrow.” Let’s talk about the things that will amaze us tomorrow!


Is your company hiring? Do you want to be hired? Post your jobs and requests here! Don’t forget to invite anyone to this channel who is looking or posting.



Ahmad Nassri

Co-Founder @ Cor.dev, Advocate of all things Open Source, Startup Advisor, Entrepreneur. Previously: npm, TELUS, Kong, CBC