10 Things Needs To Know About Mobile App Interaction

Roma Kapadiya
Tech News and Daily Updates
1 min readJan 21, 2019

Since the smartphones have come in, there have been millions of apps made available to the users. How the users interact with mobile is very important. If they don’t like the interface or how the app interacts with them, you could lose a potential user. A designer must integrate these and make efficient use of these features. Gestures like tapping and swiping must be preferred over typing.

Users often prefer the swipe down model for searching. Options like recent search and favorite search are also preferred by users. Users are careful and very serious about their data, they won’t simply tap and give authority. Give more importance to show the value of your app upfront instead of a pretty illustration. To know more about this, read the infographic here.



Roma Kapadiya
Tech News and Daily Updates

Digital Marketing Expert, Blogger, SEO Analyst…. It’s not over until God says it’s over..