Erik Peterman
Tech: News, and Opinions
1 min readApr 10, 2017


Couldn’t disagree more with the assessment that the TouchBar is anything less than amazing. I do agree that it’s much like 3D Touch: you need to be willing to rethink everything about your usage in order for it to make sense. This is why most olds don’t like 3D Touch and the TouchBar. but, for the few years left where non-iPad computers still matter, TouchBar is going to be a revolutionary interface mechanism.

Now, on the idea that the 12" Retina MacBook is a better machine than the MacBook Pro: this is absolutely an undisputed fact. The MacBook is the best and last iteration of a laptop, due to light weight, fanless design, optimization of power/ports/function, complete sealed unit, and vision. It’s so clearly the last step before all computers are iPads. Unless you “need” the multicore power of a pro-level iMac (you’re the 1%, congrats), the MacBook is your ideal Mac.



Erik Peterman
Tech: News, and Opinions

University student, engineer, blogger, audiophile, lacrosse player, wikipedia author, headphone addict, aspiring vlogger.