Tech news digest #13

Cancer detection, personalized Siri, and two new software products

Thibaut Patel
Tech news digest
1 min readApr 17, 2018


An Augmented Reality Microscope for Cancer Detection

Google researchers have released a paper where they apply deep learning to help diagnose cancer. The technology uses augmented reality on a microscope to highlight the areas of interest. They built two models (breast cancer & prostate cancer) to show how this technology can be applied to existing pathologies. (

Personalized Hey Siri

How Apple is trying to minimise unintended activations of Siri. (

Workstyle: Build a more effective and happier team in less time

I love the idea of feeling connected to your team, and this service is aiming exactly that. Answer a couple of question about yourself and learn about your colleagues. (

VuePress: Minimalistic Vue-powered static site generator

Another static website generator. I’m a bit lost in the sea of options, what have you tried yet ? (



Thibaut Patel
Tech news digest

Full-stack dev @_agricool. Co-founder @getFindify. Always learning.