Bash script for backups

Example of bash scripts to automate files and folders backups

Tech notes and Geek stuff
2 min readSep 24, 2023


Objective : create a script to automate backing up files and folders to a Git account, while securing them with AES encryption.

For anyone who doesn’t trust/want a Cloud to manage their stuff.


Bash script model: a “menu” script calling dedicated sub-scripts according to user’s choices. Create as many scripts as you’ll have backup scenarii.

cd /home/user/working-directory

# loop menu
while true; do

# Display options
echo "................."
echo "1 Backup 1"
echo "2 Backup 2"
echo "3 Backup 3"
echo "................."

# Read user input
read -n 1 -p "Enter your choice (#) or exit (x): " choice

# Perform the selected action based on user input
case "$choice" in
echo "Backup 1"
./script_1 ;;
echo "Backup 2"
./script_2 ;;
echo "Backup 3"
./script_3 ;;
exit 0 ;;
echo "Invalid choice..." ;;

All sub-scripts must be in the parent working directory.

Sub script model

This script will :

  1. copy the file(s) or folder to backup in your Git directory (to be created first of course)
  2. encrypt it using GPG AES256 : you’ll be prompted for a passphrase
  3. clean the directory
  4. push the encrypted file to Git

# WD
cd /home/user/git-directory

# copy file to backup
cp /home/user/other-directory/file.ext ./file.ext

# encrypt file using GPG AES256
gpg -c file.kdbx

# rename with date
now=$(date +%Y%m%d_%H%M)
mv file.kdbx.gpg ./"keep_$now.gpg"

read -p ">> Continue to GIT ? " -n1 -s

# Remove temp files
rm ./file.ext

# GIT operations
git pull
git add *.gpg
git commit -a -m "File backup"
git push

To decrypt your file (you’ll be prompted for the passphrase):

gpg -d --output restored_file.ext ./*gpg




Tech notes and Geek stuff

OS explorer, UI & UX passionate, Voxels crafter, code lover, Video Games player, Podcasts listener, Music amateur // Digital Publishing professional