Fedora 31 Setup Routine

Quick customization

Tech notes and Geek stuff
3 min readApr 12, 2020


Quick customization routine on a fresh Fedora 31 Gnome installation / updated after Fedora 32 Workstation released

Fedora 32 Workstation

1. Shell prompt quick customization

We’ll keep it simple here, I won’t take you around a full featured customization as the one you can get through Zsh.

Use any online tool to easily tweak your PS1 prompt, like: bashrcgenerator.com. Once again, I kept it simple:

2. Gnome Terminal padding

You’ll notice unusual margins on the previous Gnome-Terminal screenshot. To add margins to your terminal, dd the following code to ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css or create the file if not already there by default:

3. Prevent Gnome Shell from grouping windows on Alt-Tab

Rather than to rely on an outdated Gnome shell extension, learn to use Gnome dconf-editor:

  • Open dconf-editor
  • Go to org/gnome/desktop/wm/keybindings
  • Move the value '<Alt>Tab' from: switch-applications to: switch-windows, then move '<Shift><Alt>Tab' from: switch-applications-backward to: switch-windows-backward
dconf-editor on Fedora
  • For Alt-tab to work across desktops, go to org/gnome/shell/window-switcherand uncheck current-workspace-only
  • You can also set the app-icon-mode to app-icon-only
dconf-editor on Fedora
All set now!

4. Theming & fonts

Personal tastes here:

  • GTK & Shell themes : I’m quite fan of the Adwaita theme, but always find myself going back to Adapta after a few days. It may be a souvenir of my Manjaro years.
  • Fonts: Roboto fonts is the best choice for a modern desktop
  • Icons theme: once again I love the new Adwaita icon set, but until today nothing beats the Newaita icon theme: https://github.com/cbrnix/Newaita
  • To adjust your settings:
Fedora 31 / Adapta + Newaita

Update / 2020.05

Update since Fedora 32 Workstation came out: Gnome 3.36 brings a huge improvement to the Shell and GTK themes, enough to beat any other theme in term of consistency and integration. So Adwaita is now my only theme for GTK, Shell and Cursors.

I’m sticking with Marwaita as Icon set though, as it is more complete than Adwaita and brings more coherence to the desktop experience.

Fedora 32 / Marwaita icons



Tech notes and Geek stuff

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