MagicaVoxel: Turntable options

Tech notes and Geek stuff
2 min readMar 31, 2019
MagicaVoxel Turntable render options

Export your creation in multiple PNG files using the Turntable option (see screenshot). I usually choose between 120 and 240 images.

1. Create an animated GIF

“Myst Tribute” — GIF output

Use ImageMagick convert option to convert all PNG files into an animated GIF.

convert *.png -delay 4 -loop 0 -resize 480x480 animated.gif

-delay: sets the time delay (in 1/100th of a second) to pause after drawing the images that are read in or created after this setting has been defined.

-loop: number of times the GIF animation is to cycle though the image sequence before stopping. 0 = infinite loop.

You may also want to resize or crop your PNG files while making the conversion.

-resize: resize images to the size and position you specify by its geometry argument

-crop: cut out the part of all the images in the current sequence at the size and position you specify by its geometry argument.

+repage: use this special operator to reset the page canvas and position to match the actual cropped image.

Bare in mind that this method may produce heavy file. You may want to choose a video file format.

2. Create a MP4 file

First rename your PNF files to 3 digits filenames as “img000.png”

Then use the ffmpeg tool:

ffmpeg -r 30 -s 800x400 -i img%03d.png -c:v libx264 test2.mp4

-r 30: Set the output framerate to 30 FPS. Each of the input images will be duplicated to make the output what you specify here.

-i img%03d.png: ffmpeg read the files img000.png though img999.png

-c:v libx264: use video codec libx264

You can specify video compression parameters here, if you like:

-crf <number>: Quality setting. 0 to 51. 23 is the default. 0 is true lossless encoding, which will be quite high bandwidth. 18 is nearly visually lossless.


“Myst tribute” — MagicaVoxel 2018 by rphl
“Eilean Donan Castle” — MagicaVoxel 2018 by rphl



Tech notes and Geek stuff

OS explorer, UI & UX passionate, Voxels crafter, code lover, Video Games player, Podcasts listener, Music amateur // Digital Publishing professional