Understanding Leadership: A Journey from Orders to Inspiration

Poorajith Sasikumar Thenmozhi
Tech-On Chronicle
Published in
4 min readJul 17, 2024

When I first got to know about leadership role, I thought it was about issuing directives and ensuring everyone followed them. However, I soon realized that true leadership is much more nuanced and impactful. It’s about igniting passion within your team, fostering their enthusiasm, and guiding them to achieve more than they ever imagined. Leadership is an art of connection, empathy, and understanding, where the goal is not just to lead but to inspire and motivate every member of the team.

Exploring Leadership: Types and Importance

Leadership plays a pivotal role in any organization’s success. According to the PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge), understanding and adapting different leadership styles is crucial for project managers. These styles influence the team’s morale, productivity, and directly impact the project’s success. Let’s delve into various leadership styles and why they are essential in different contexts.

Types of Leadership Styles

1.Autocratic Leadership

  • Characteristics: Centralized decision-making with little input from team members.
  • When to Use: Effective in situations requiring quick decisions, especially during crises or with less experienced teams.
  • Pros and Cons: While it ensures swift decision-making, it can lead to low team morale if overused.

2.Democratic Leadership

  • Characteristics: Involves team members in decision-making processes.
  • When to Use: Best in environments where team input is valuable and diverse perspectives can lead to better solutions.
  • Pros and Cons: Encourages team participation and satisfaction, but decision-making can be slow.

3.Laissez-faire Leadership

  • Characteristics: Provides team members with a high degree of autonomy.
  • When to Use: Suitable for highly skilled and motivated teams.
  • Pros and Cons: Can lead to high innovation and creativity, but may result in a lack of direction if not managed properly.

4.Transactional Leadership

  • Characteristics: Focuses on routine and regimented activities, with clear roles and expectations.
  • When to Use: Effective for structured environments where tasks are routine.
  • Pros and Cons: Can be very efficient, but may not inspire high levels of creativity or innovation.

5.Transformational Leadership

  • Characteristics: Inspires and motivates team members to exceed their own interests for the sake of the project.
  • When to Use: Ideal for driving change and innovation.
  • Pros and Cons: Can lead to high levels of engagement and performance, but may be exhausting for leaders and require a significant emotional investment.

6.Servant Leadership

  • Characteristics: Leaders prioritize the needs of their team members and help them perform as highly as possible.
  • When to Use: Effective in environments that value team cohesion and individual growth.
  • Pros and Cons: Promotes strong team relationships and satisfaction, but may be seen as less authoritative in critical decision-making moments.

Impact of Leadership Styles on Different Mediums

Different leadership styles can have varying impacts depending on the project type and team composition. Here’s how they influence different aspects:

1.Project Type:

  • Innovative Projects: Transformational and laissez-faire leadership can foster creativity and innovation, encouraging team members to think outside the box and take ownership of their ideas.
  • Routine Projects: Transactional leadership is well-suited for projects with defined processes and repetitive tasks, ensuring efficiency and adherence to standards.

2.Team Composition:

  • Experienced Teams: Laissez-faire leadership can be highly effective with skilled and motivated team members who require minimal supervision and thrive on autonomy.
  • Inexperienced Teams: Autocratic or transactional leadership may be necessary to provide clear direction and structure, guiding less experienced team members through their tasks.

Influence on Mental and Knowledge Management

Effective leadership styles also connect deeply with mental and knowledge management:

1.Mental Well-being:

  • Supportive Environment: Servant and democratic leadership styles create a supportive environment, reducing stress and increasing job satisfaction by valuing team members’ input and well-being.
  • Burnout Prevention: Transformational leadership, while inspiring, needs to be balanced to prevent leader and team burnout due to high emotional investment and continuous drive for excellence.

2.Knowledge Management:

  • Collaborative Learning: Democratic and laissez-faire leadership promote a culture of knowledge sharing and collaborative learning, essential for continuous improvement and innovation.
  • Structured Learning: Transactional leadership can ensure structured knowledge management through clear protocols and documentation, vital for maintaining consistency and quality.


Understanding and implementing different leadership styles is essential for effective management. The ability to adapt these styles to suit various situations can make a significant difference in team dynamics, project execution, and overall success. By recognizing the strengths and limitations of each style, leaders can better navigate the complexities of their projects and lead their teams to success.

Reflecting on my journey, I see that leadership is about much more than directing actions — it’s about motivating, connecting, and enabling others to achieve their best. True leadership is a dance between strategy and empathy, direction and inspiration. It’s about creating a vision that others want to be a part of and fostering an environment where everyone feels valued and empowered.

Philosophically, leadership is a testament to our collective potential. It reminds us that while a single person can spark change, a united team can sustain it. It is the bridge between individual aspirations and shared accomplishments, blending personal growth with collective triumph. For further reading on this topic, exploring resources like the PMBOK guide and other project management literature can provide in-depth insights into the application of these leadership styles.

