Meet the team of our new Tech Hub in Porto

ProSiebenSat.1 Tech Blog
5 min readFeb 28, 2024

At the end of last year, ProSiebenSat.1 opened the Seven.One Tech Hub — its first Tech Hub, that is located in Porto, Portugal. Spearheaded by Stefanie Beckmann, and Richard Seitz as Managing Directors and Lucas Braun as Chief of Staff, the founding team has embarked on an exciting journey since then.

In our interview, they share their recent experiences and provide insights into the decision-making process behind ProSiebenSat.1’s choice to launch the Tech Hub in Porto.

Richard & Stefanie, (Managing Directors Porto) Lucas, (Chief of Staff), from left to right

Dear Richard, Stefanie and Lucas, thanks for sharing your insights with us.

How have you experienced the last few weeks, Stefanie?

These past weeks have been nothing short of an adventure! Each day brings its own set of challenges and triumphs, whether it’s achieving major milestones like officially founding the company on December 15, 2023, or welcoming our first IT colleague, Francesco, on board this February.

My journey with the Porto project only began in November, but it immediately felt like the perfect fit. With experience in founding two companies and managing two startups, the Tech Hub combines the best of both worlds — the exhilarating energy of a startup with the stability and resources of ProSiebenSat.1. It’s been a whirlwind of creativity and excitement in the office, and I couldn’t be happier to be a part of it!

Until December 2023, you worked as Director Digital Media Ecosystem. Was it a difficult decision to take on your new role, Stefanie?

It was a significant decision but diving into the world of Seven.One Tech Hub felt like stepping into a whole new universe of possibilities. Career changes are deeply rooted in ProSiebenSat.1’s culture — for me, this is my fifth role within seven years at ProSiebenSat.1. So, after two insightful years in the distribution department, I felt it was time for something new again.
Additionally, here in Porto, I’ll continue collaborating with esteemed colleagues from various other ProSiebenSat.1 units. Moreover, many former colleagues have evolved into cherished friends, ensuring that I won’t lose touch regardless.

Can you tell us more about why ProSiebenSat.1 has decided to open a Tech Hub, Richard?

The tech hub complements our existing offices in Munich/Unterföhring and Berlin, providing us with a fertile ground to attract, tech and data talent across various domains. From advancing the technology behind our streaming platform Joyn to enhancing the internal use of AI, the possibilities are endless.

Why did you choose Porto as a location, Richard?

Leading up to the project, our HR team conducted an extensive analysis of several countries, considering various initial criteria such as employee appeal, quality of higher education, economic landscape, and competition for tech talent. Ultimately, Northern Portugal emerged as the top contender, meeting all the criteria.

In the end, Porto was chosen for its outstanding attributes: It offers a vibrant tech community due to several universities in and around Porto, a supportive ecosystem for startups, its accessibility from Germany and a high quality of life for our team members.

How do you get to know Porto, Lucas?

For me, exploring Porto is all about getting to know its people and customs. I therefore try to consciously put myself in situations where I am surrounded by locals, whether it’s trying out small restaurants serving local specialties in my neighborhood, going to CrossFit sessions at the gym next door or attending tech meet-ups and other networking events in and around Porto. Additionally, I enjoy taking strolls through the different neighborhoods of Porto, immersing myself in the atmosphere and enjoy the countless beautiful views the city has to offer.

How can we imagine your daily life at the moment, Lucas?

Every day brings new challenges, from ensuring that our IT systems are running to establishing relationships with local universities, and my favorite activity of recruiting my future colleagues for our Data Team. And let’s not forget the non-work activities like port wine tastings or hiking in the beautiful region on the weekends. It’s a thrilling ride, and I’m grateful to be part of such an exciting journey.

Richard and Lucas exploring the local wines of Porto. (left) Team hiking activity (right).

What is the expansion plan for the Tech Hub, Richard?

Currently, our team consists of just the three of us, plus our first IT colleague, Francesco. In addition, we have some extra hands on deck in the form of two recruiters supporting us in finding the best talent.

We’re focused on scaling and expanding our team and forging new partnerships, e.g., with regional universities and by attending Porto’s Tech & Data meet-ups to accelerate innovation and drive growth. We’re gearing up to spread our wings and make the Tech Hub an integral part of ProSiebenSat.1’s tech locations.

Why should people join the Seven.One Tech Hub, Stefanie?

Well, let me begin by saying, it feels akin to being embraced by a circle of collaborators where mutual support is given. Moreover, you’ll get the chance to contribute to pioneering projects and collaborate with exceptional talent. In a nutshell: it’s an opportunity to be involved in something truly revolutionary and an exceptional avenue for career advancement.

The harbour of Porto

YOU WANT TO BECOME PART OF TEAM PORTO? Check out all open positions.

