“100 Years Ago, We Feared the Virus”

Rodney Gainous Jr.
The Best Publication
4 min readMar 17, 2020

It was the year 2120, there was a young woman named Aira from Generation 5 who was extraordinarily intelligent and psychic. When she was a toddler, her family boarded a starship to leave the decaying Earth for a chance to be apart of the Mars migration. Being raised on Mars, she never fully remembered her past life, and was taught by humans, animals, and robots that were, at this point, as capable as humans. Although she was psychic, and had visions of the future, she could never appreciate it and would write her visions off as coincidences.

Everyday, she would wake up to the red sun rays that would shine through her bio-dome window. At 8am, she would step into her ultralight bath, scan the daily stream which usually was light and eat a breakfast box, which contained just the right amount of calories and nutrients for her chemistry. They also were custom-fit for her tastebuds, and were incredibly tasty. When she was finished with her daily routine, depending on her mood, she would either TeleMe into class or she could instantly download the lesson. Usually, when she missed her friends, or wanted extra participation points, she would TeleMe into class.

One morning, the sun rays shined into her bio-dome, and she got up, as usual. However, her dreams were different, for some reason… she dreamed about Earth. Shrugging it off, she began to start he daily routine. When she began to scan her daily stream, she noticed that it was busy, instead of being light. Suddenly, she got a health alert from her body kit and she realized that her heart was beating faster. She took a couple deep breathes, and after calming down, realized there was a pattern to all of the extra noise in her dream. She noticed that everyone was panicking and system was beginning to be overloaded.

Because of that, she stopped scanning the stream in hopes of ignoring the issue and refocusing her mind. She took a ultralight bath, but she couldn’t help but think about all that she saw. There was a lot of fear, but so much so, it was impossible to understand the root of it. After her bath, she went to TeleMe her friends, hoping to talk about what she saw… down. The TeleMe system was down, for the first time in her life, she didn’t know what to do.

Because of that, her BodyKit began to alert her again, heart beating faster, mind racing. What are you supposed to do in times like this? TeleMe has never been down, so what do you use? That’s when it hit her, she remembered her grandfather had left something you could use to talk to other people. She knew what it looked like, but didn’t know the name. Unlike TeleMe, which was automatic and controlled by thought, you would touch numbers to reach people. She popped to the backroom and saw an old cardboard box. She always hated how the box looked, but in this moment, she was grateful she had listened to her grandparents and kept it. Scrambling, for what seemed like hours, throwing things out of the box left and right.

Until finally, she came across the device, and press all of the buttons. She wasn’t sure which one, but one of them seemed to work, and it to her surprised, it happened to be charged. As the device was loading, she realized it was called a “Phone”, something that hadn’t been used in 100 years ago when the first Mars Migration happened. It was something only Generation 1 used and knew about. After the phone turned on, it just had a number pad. What next? She looked on the back and saw a bunch of numbers, she figured that she should just type those in. Then she waited, she heard some random noises, and waited more.

Grandma: “Aira! You remembered.”, to her surprise, it was her grandmother voice.

Aira: “Nana!! I’m scared, TeleMe isn’t working. What should I do?”.

In a calm voice, with a slight sense of amusement, her grandma says…

Grandma: “Nothing. No need to do nothing. Just stay put, you have what you need. It’s a virus.”.

Aira: “What’s a virus?”

Grandma: “Something we thought we got rid of. Something we thought would never happen again.”

Aira: “That sounds bad.”

Grandma: “Sure, but don’t panic. Panic is why we’re here, on Mars. 100 years ago we feared the virus.. but I’m old, and I don’t feel like going to Jupiter.”


#TwentyTwenty #CodeSigned #CodeSignedBy

RJ /// Rodney Gainous Jr /// @RG2Official /// (424) 334–8004

Life is a game.

S/O to Lincoln W Daniel.



Rodney Gainous Jr.
The Best Publication

Once 16 making $200K off bots, now the CEO of the best security Safe. Co-host of BeatTheOdds, the best podcast for forward-thinkers.