Photo by Thijs Slootjes on Unsplash

You’re the reason now.

The reason things didn’t work out. The reason things went left.

Or maybe the times are the reason.

The reason why things didn’t go as planned…

We point fingers when the time comes to take accountability.

Who is going to take responsibility? It depends.

Who doesn’t want to take responsibility when things are going as planned? When you’re winning, you want the credit.

But when you’re losing, there’s few that’ll take that blame. Sometimes pretending to not know what’s going on.

Or even not acknowledging the role they played.

Just some thoughts.

#CodeSigned #CodeSignedBy

RJ /// Rodney Gainous Jr /// @RG2Official /// (424) 334–8004

Life is a game.

S/O to Lincoln W Daniel.



Rodney Gainous Jr.
The Best Publication

Once 16 making $200K off bots, now the CEO of the best security Safe. Co-host of BeatTheOdds, the best podcast for forward-thinkers.